Global discipleship for a changing world

Our Leadership Campaign equips mission leaders to connect, learn, and grow. Through mentoring, consulting, and resourcing, we support their leadership and personal discipleship in a changing world.

We build leaders to:

  • Lead disciple-making movements where people follow Jesus in every aspect of life.
  • Foster collaboration in mission by building trust with local and international leaders.
  • Recognise and strengthen emerging mission movements, fostering interdependence and mutuality.

Leadership development takes time. We offer both face-to-face and ongoing remote support—but we can’t do it without you. Join our committed supporters and help sustain mission leaders. Select "monthly" under the donation type here or write to us at [email protected].


In Yangon, Faith2Share has fostered the development of the ‘Myanmar Faith2Share Chapter’, four mission leaders who have shared their journey in mission and facilitated training opportunities for another 30 mission and church leaders. They have equipped and encouraged local leaders in what has been a fast-changing and fragile context; especially as it comes out of military dictatorship.

Faith2Share connected mission workers in India and Nepal with a Nigerian Church willing to part-fund international mission workers. A number of agreements have now been made which has multiplied and strengthened the impact of local Christian mission workers across the global South. This would never have happened without Faith2Share’s active support and engagement in this area.
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In Nairobi, Faith2Share’s Africa Coordinator has drawn together a ‘hub’ of about ten mission leaders who regularly meet for fellowship and to learn from each other. This draws together network members and other partners. It has already resulted in a training consultation for francophone African leaders (held in Goma, DRC, in 2015) which focused on mission in the midst of suffering.