Global discipleship for a changing world
  • Milestone of Faith: IEM’s 60th Anniversary and New Headquarters

    One of our cherished members for many years of our network, the Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM), is celebrating this year its... Read More >>>

  • Faith2Share Welcomes New Regional Coordinator for Africa

    Faith2Share is delighted to announce the appointment of Capt. Bernard Irungu as our new Regional Coordinator for Africa. Based in Nairobi, Kenya,... Read More >>>

  • Faith2Share Members Gather in Kenya for Prayer, Fellowship, and Collaboration

    On Saturday, 23 November, Faith2Share members and partners in Kenya came together for an inspiring day of prayer, fellowship, and mutual sharing.... Read More >>>

  • Discovering Whole-Life Discipleship: A Young Leader's Story

    At a recent Faith2Share's discipleship consultation in Islamabad, Asad experienced something transformative for his ministry. As a youth leader... Read More >>>


The next Faith2Share Leadership Consultation will be held from 6-12 October 2017 in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

This is the major gathering of all Faith2Share member agencies when we expect each member to be represented by one or more of their senior leadership team. Topics discussed will be selected by participants to meet your greatest needs but there will also be a focus on the key objectives of Faith2Share, namely:

Discipleship: seeing children, women and men following Jesus.
Collaboration: sharing the resources that God has given to each of us – people, information, training materials, funding, ideas and prayer.
Emerging Mission Movements: encouraging the establishment of and partnering with new mission movements as God raises up His people globally.

This year we also have a special focus on mission amongst people from Buddhist and Muslim backgrounds.


This year we are inviting you to choose from three different options based on your needs and your time availability. All participants are expected to be present for the Core Consultation (just three and a half days) and then add on what best suits their personal requirements.

OPTION 1 (for all Faith2Share members and those considering membership)
Sunday 8 – Thursday 12 October (4 nights)

OPTION 2 (for senior leaders of member agencies of Faith2Share – by invitation)
Friday 6 – Thursday 12 October (6 nights)

Thursday 12 – Tuesday 17 October (5 nights)
This consultation (in Chiang Mai at a hotel very close to Lanna Palace Hotel) is being run by Vision 5:9 the network of mission agencies focused on Muslim-background peoples (a sister network to Faith2Share) and you need to book for this directly with Vision 5:9 at the website using the password in our consultation brochure.


Thailand is a fascinating context for reflection on how we live lives that share our faith in God. With deep roots in Buddhist faith the Thai people have often been highly resistant to Christian mission but generously open to receiving visitors and welcoming peoples of other faiths. It is no accident that Chiang Mai has become one of the major epicentres of Christian mission to Asia. Living amongst lush forests, white beaches, beautiful islands and plenty of sunshine, Thai people are gentle, deeply loyal to their monarchy, industrious and yet also flawed by cultural traits such as prostitution – now sadly exploited on a major scale by Western tourism. This nation needs to know Jesus but first it needs friends who will show them Jesus in the lives they live amongst them. As you prepare to join us in Chiang Mai please pray for the people of this nation

The Leadership Consultation will take place at the Lanna Palace Hotel in the heart of the historic city of Chiang Mai, in northern Thailand. The hotel is not far from the walled city and close to the venue for the Vision 5:9 Consultation 'Abide and Bear Fruit'.

Faith2Share will provide airport transfer and the consultation registration fee includes the cost of accommodation and all meals during the consultation. The hotel provides Wi-Fi, air conditioning and access to their swimming pool.

Please scroll to the bottom of the page and download the brochure and booking form from the blue bar.


Faith2Share will cover some of the core costs of the consultation but we ask all participants to cover their accommodation and food costs and non-members to pay a small registration fee. There is a discount for those whose agency is based in Africa, Asia or Latin America (shown as “Global South” below) and for Faith2Share member agencies. (Core Consultation costs are lower than 2016!)


The 2017 Faith2Share Leadership Consultation will also benefit from taking place in the same location and immediately prior to the Vision 5:9 Abide and Bear Fruit event, the largest gathering of Christians committed sharing faith with people from Muslim backgrounds. We will have some speakers from this gathering at the Leadership Consultation. Faith2Share members are encouraged to consider booking to attend both events.

To attend this consultation you must book separately with Vision 5:9 on their website using a password supplied by the Faith2Share office.