Global discipleship for a changing world

Interserve India


Interserve India is a cross-cultural, inter-denominational evangelical fellowship of Christians committed to each other in partnership and in service to the people.

Formed in 1852, Interserve India comprises of Indian churches and mission leaders. At present Interserve India has partners serving across the world. The mission established hundreds of projects involving education, health care and community development in partnership with the local leadership in North and Western India and subsequently the ownership and management of these projects were handed over to the local leadership. Interserve continues to serve as facilitator by seconding personnel to the projects as and when they need them.

To see lives and communities transformed through encounter with Jesus Christ.

In all our endeavours, we strive to fulfil the following vision and purpose that God has given us:
“To make Jesus Christ known through integrated ministry, in partnership with the global church, amongst the neediest peoples of Asia and the Arab World.”

In Partnership
Interserve India exists in order to encourage and facilitate churches and individuals to respond to God’s call to mission. As God’s fellow-workers, we seek partnership in cross-cultural ministry for the mutual benefit of churches world-wide.

Our 800+ mission partners use their professional skills, such as medicine, teaching or business, to share the love of Christ with the people with whom they live and work. They act as salt and light in some of the hardest places in the world in obedience to Jesus’ commission to “go and make disciples of all nations”.

Our Work
Interserve India is committed to serving the underprivileged peoples of Asia and the Arab world, getting alongside them; uplifting them from their material, physical, mental and spiritual needs.

Using our extensive network and expertise, we work in partnership with other to serve the Indian Christian community in practical ways by placing committed professionals in ministry opportunities within India and overseas (particularly the Arabian Gulf, Central and East Asia). Presently, we have over 50 Indian partners serving in more than 18 Indian states and three other countries. Each of them is involved in a unique ministry integrating their professional skills and the mandate of missions.


Interserve has fostered and nurtured several ministry initiatives that are making great impact in the contemporary Indian Christian scenario:

    • Union Biblical Seminary (UBS)—a theological training institution
    • Union of Evangelical Students of India (UESI)—a ministry among college students
    • Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA)—a medical mission