Global discipleship for a changing world

Lifeway Mission International

About Lifeway Mission International

Lifeway Mission International is a non-denominational indigenous mission agency working with churches, organizations and Christian ministries reaching out to the unreached people groups, serving the persecuted believers and training Christian leaders in East and Horn of Africa countries with headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.

The main areas of concern for Lifeway Mission are:

    • Disciple Making / Church Planting
    • Serving the persecuted believers
    • Leadership development and Training
    • Social-economic development projects.

To reach all least reached people groups and serve the persecuted believers by planting churches and disciple them for Christ.

Ministry Results
As we remain obedient in fulfilling the Great Commission God has continued to surprise us by bringing thousands of people to Himself. Our greatest joy is to see Disciples made, Leaders raised and Churches planted for God’s glory.

Since 2005, we have:
    • Planted over 4,500 Churches
    • Made over 47,000 Disciples
    • Baptised over 23,000 believers
    • This has been achieved through hosting over 4,300 Discovery Bible Study groups and training over 26,900 leaders.

Reflecting on Eid al-Fitr and Recent Events

As Eid al-Fitr has just concluded, marking the end of Ramadan, we at Faith2Share extend our thoughts to our Muslim neighbors and to our Christian members working in predominantly Muslim countries. This year, the convergence of Ramadan with both Christian and Orthodox Lent created a unique period of spiritual significance for over half the world's population. In these challenging times of global unrest, economic uncertainty, and widespread suffering, this shared season of prayer and reflection took on added importance. We are deeply...

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Faith2Share: Facilitating Connections in Cairo

Recently, Faith2Share had the privilege of participating as an observer and facilitator at a significant gathering of Christian organisations in Cairo, Egypt. Several key events took place across various locations, including St. Mark's Conference Centre and All Saints' Cathedral (pictured), bringing together diverse representatives from the Global South to discuss, learn, and develop practical solutions to take back to their home countries. These iconic locations provided a fitting backdrop for discussions on the wider global Church stage.This gathering in Cairo...

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