Global discipleship for a changing world

Mahanaim Ministries


Mahanaim Ministries (meaning "two camps or army of God" in Hebrew) is an indigenous Indian organisation, started in the year 2000 and working in more than 70 mission fields in Tamilnadu, Telungana, Kerala, Rajastan and other states of India.

Our vision:

One church for every locality.

One soul winning training centre for every district

One witnessing group for every educational institution.

Our mission

Mahanaim Ministries is committed to pioneer, teach and train both the tentmakers and career missionaries to reach the unreached, to prepare the followers of Christ to make ready to meet the Lord with perfectness, training the untrained career missionaries and tentmakers to win the unreached groups and areas.

To see a slide show about Mahanaim Ministries please open this file.

Our ministries

Church planting and shepherding

Teaching and training

Creative ministries among children, youth and women

Campus ministries

Media ministries

Pastoral and young leaders' fellowship

Outreach and Community development programmes

Reflecting on Eid al-Fitr and Recent Events

As Eid al-Fitr has just concluded, marking the end of Ramadan, we at Faith2Share extend our thoughts to our Muslim neighbors and to our Christian members working in predominantly Muslim countries. This year, the convergence of Ramadan with both Christian and Orthodox Lent created a unique period of spiritual significance for over half the world's population. In these challenging times of global unrest, economic uncertainty, and widespread suffering, this shared season of prayer and reflection took on added importance. We are deeply...

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Faith2Share Upholds India in Prayer Amid Crucial Elections

As India's massive elections continue, with 970 million eligible voters going to the polls over several phases, the Faith2Share Christian community is keeping India firmly in its prayers during this crucial time. Despite the sizeable numbers of 22.31 million Christians in India, this religious minority remains largely under represented in parliament. The high stakes are not lost on the faithful members of Faith2Share. If pre-election polls prove accurate, the current BJP Government headed by Narendra Modi is poised to return to...

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