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Community Transformation in Kenya

Imagine going to a school without books, pencils or a desk. This is what Lucy Chaves of Faith2Share member SAMS USA witnessed at Uymoa School in Kenya two years ago. ‘It was the worst-performing school in the region,’ she said. The students were in tattered clothes and went to school without breakfast or lunch. But Lucy knew the Lord was calling her to help. Farmers in the local community were mobilised and a feeding programme developed to provide lunch for students in need. Thanks to the collaboration of both these local supporters and those in U.S. churches, the students also received new uniforms, Maths sets, and text books. Neighbours even dug a well for the school and helped repair the classrooms.

When Lucy returned this year the situation had changed. The head teacher of the school reported, ‘There is an increased school attendance and enrolment, motivated learners and a 15% increase on national scores.’ Lucy had the opportunity to share about Jesus Christ with students and parents. The gift of hope and truth through Jesus Christ had come to the entire village.

The Chaves family plans to continue working with the Uymoa School and hope to replicate the programme with others schools in Kenya.

Read the original article by SAMS USA here.