Global discipleship for a changing world
  • Milestone of Faith: IEM’s 60th Anniversary and New Headquarters

    One of our cherished members for many years of our network, the Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM), is celebrating this year its... Read More >>>

  • Faith2Share Welcomes New Regional Coordinator for Africa

    Faith2Share is delighted to announce the appointment of Capt. Bernard Irungu as our new Regional Coordinator for Africa. Based in Nairobi, Kenya,... Read More >>>

  • Faith2Share Members Gather in Kenya for Prayer, Fellowship, and Collaboration

    On Saturday, 23 November, Faith2Share members and partners in Kenya came together for an inspiring day of prayer, fellowship, and mutual sharing.... Read More >>>

  • Discovering Whole-Life Discipleship: A Young Leader's Story

    At a recent Faith2Share's discipleship consultation in Islamabad, Asad experienced something transformative for his ministry. As a youth leader... Read More >>>

Our core values are relational and based on sharing faith together

As a network organisation we have a passion for collaboration - not competition - and we enjoy working in partnership with other networks and mission movements who have the same heart for mission and discipleship. Here are a few links to organisations that you may find useful for information, connection and prayer...


Faith2Share works with a number of regional networks of mission movements. These normally bring together mission movements across a whole, or part of a continent. To discover whether Faith2Share links with a regional network in your continent see our list of:



Faith2Share works with a number of national networks of mission movements and encourages mission movements to join and work with their national network before exploring what membership of a global network like Faith2Share can add to their mission. To discover whether Faith2Share links with a national network in your country see our list of:



The Mission Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance brings together international, regional, national and specialist mission networks and churches engaged in mission for mutual, learning, encouragement and support.

CMS Mission Network

Faith2Share initially grew out of helping organisations with a historic connection to the 'CMS family' connect and share resources better together. We continue to convene the regular CMS Mission Network global conference calls as well as facilitating conversations regarding mission, leadership, discipleship and resourcing across the network.


Faith2Share works with the Lausanne Movement in several ways, particularly through their initiative to bring together Orthodox and evangelicals in mission.


An international, inter-confessional and interdisciplinary professional society for the scholarly study of Christian witness and its impact in the world. There are over 500 individual and corporate members around the world. The journal Mission Studies is published twice a year. International conferences are held every three to four years.


An online portal and window to news, information and resources about and from the 38 Anglican Provinces around the world that comprise the Anglican Communion of Churches.


Anglican Witness is the Initiative of the Anglican Communion which seeks to encourage all Anglicans to be active in evangelism and church growth.


The Micah Network brings together Christian agencies and movements around the world who are committed to Integral Mission. Faith2Share and Micah Network seek to support each other in collaborative ministry.


A global network focused on serving the 28% of the world's people without access to the Good News of Jesus.


Mobilising ordinary Christians to love their Muslim neighbours and helping churches to mentor and multiply dynamic communities of disciples.


Bringing together missions and churches concerned to reach with the gospel the millions of oral learners in our world today.

As the Anglican Communion seeks to deepen it collaboration in global mission, I welcome its close links with the Faith2Share Network, which remains and important initiative in bringing together partners from across the world who seek to participate in God’s mission today.

The Most Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

Wait Upon the Lord

In times of challenge, God often teaches us profound lessons through unexpected circumstances. The global pandemic brought many such lessons, but perhaps none more significant than the value of patience in ministry work. At Faith2Share, we've seen firsthand how this divine virtue, when coupled with careful planning and trust in God's timing, can lead to renewal and positive outcomes. Our journey of patient ministry bore fruit recently in Pakistan. Building on the success of our 2022 Discipleship Consultation in Lahore, we...

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Reflecting on a Year of Conflict: Prayers for Peace in the Middle East

As we mark the first anniversary of the devastating conflict between Israel, Gaza and now Lebanon and the wider Middle East, Faith2Share joins our members and others to reflect on a year marked by profound loss and suffering in the region. We mourn for the lives torn apart and for the wounds that remain open, on all sides. Many among us have connections to this region, and we stand with them, praying for an end to the violence that...

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