Global discipleship for a changing world

LEADERSHIP - We focus our support on mission leaders, creating new opportunities for them to connect, learn and grow in leadership.

Most of our work within the Faith2Share network is with Christian leaders with a focus on mission and collaboration. We do this with several objectives and through a range of interventions. The Faith2Share network is intrinsically relational and our focus is on the missional maturity of leaders and the impact of their ministries.

We work directly with over 600 leaders from five continents. Each leader acts as a ‘gateway of influence’, often having more than 20 other leaders reporting to them, alongside the oversight and responsibility for hundreds of mission workers. Faith2Share’s ability to strengthen and influence a large number leaders and mission practitioners is significant.

“The leaders of our mission agencies need to be empowered not only with theological studies but also with managerial training for outstanding output in missions.”

Plamthodathil S Jacob, Leadership and Mission, Ed. Mark Laing, 2004

Faith2Share builds leaders for three key outcomes:

  • To help them lead disciple-making movements where children, women and men learn to follow Jesus in every aspect of their lives.
  • To help them build effective collaborations in mission as they establish trust and respect with other leaders in their own locations as well as internationally.
  • To help them recognise when God is doing a new thing, when He is raising up new and emerging mission movements, and to know how and when to come alongside and strengthen these new movements (seeking to foster inter-dependency and mutuality).

  • “Leadership development is at the heart of Christian mission. Leaders emerge from the inner and outward workings of any successful organisation or movement. The missionary movement is no exception. Development of potential new leaders has been the goal and expression of the Christian mission from its inception.”

    Dr Roger E Hedlund, Forward in Leadership and Mission, Ed. Mark Laing, 2004.

    Support our Leadership Campaign by praying and giving today.

    I am thankful to Faith2Share for opening the platform for me to meet others leaders of the network to work in collaboration – learning from others. Praying for us, sending their newsletter, keeping in good contact and mentoring and encouraging me personally.

    Pranab Kishor Kumar, New Life for India, India

    Faith2Share’s leadership model of change is based on four key activities.
    Click on the WORDS to finD out more...

    As the Anglican Communion seeks to deepen its collaboration in global mission, I welcome its close links with the Faith2Share Network, which remains an important initiative in bringing together partners from across the world who seek to participate in God’s mission today.

    The Most Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

    Looking Back to Go Forward

    At our recent board meeting concluding last financial year, we thanked God for His faithfulness over the past year. Despite many challenges, we continue to support a network of mission and church organisations, many of which operate in challenging parts of the Global South.In 2023-2024, Faith2Share engaged with over 150 church and mission leaders worldwide. Recognising the cost burden of international travel we have made a conscious decision to build on the online experience gained through the pandemic and continue...

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    Faith2Share Upholds India in Prayer Amid Crucial Elections

    As India's massive elections continue, with 970 million eligible voters going to the polls over several phases, the Faith2Share Christian community is keeping India firmly in its prayers during this crucial time. Despite the sizeable numbers of 22.31 million Christians in India, this religious minority remains largely under represented in parliament. The high stakes are not lost on the faithful members of Faith2Share. If pre-election polls prove accurate, the current BJP Government headed by Narendra Modi is poised to return to...

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