Global discipleship for a changing world

Read the latest edition of our newsletter Missionet.

Reflecting on a Year of Conflict: Prayers for Peace in the Middle East

As we mark the first anniversary of the devastating conflict between Israel, Gaza and now Lebanon and the wider Middle East, Faith2Share joins our members and others to reflect on a year marked by profound loss and suffering in the region. We mourn for the lives torn apart and for the wounds that remain open, on all sides. Many among us have connections to this region, and we stand with them, praying for an end to the violence that...

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Sabbath and Shalom: Finding Rest and Peace Amidst the Demands of Ministry

As we move through the holiday month of August, it’s crucial to reflect on the importance of Sabbath and Shalom in our lives, especially for those entrusted with the spiritual care of others. For Christian leaders, the demands of ministry often intensify during this season, leaving little room for personal rest and family time, leading to exhaustion. “The Sabbath was made for man” (Mark 2:27), a divine gift designed to restore us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Yet, in our relentless pursuit...

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Remembering Kerala: Faith Amidst Tragedy and Climate Change

As we reflect on recent events, our hearts turn to Kerala, India, where devastating landslides claimed nearly 400 lives since July 30th, with 280 still missing. This tragedy, the worst since 2018, has destroyed vital infrastructure and left over 6,500 people displaced and communities shattered. Yet, in the face of such adversity, Kerala's resilience shines through. Aid agencies, alongside Christian, Muslim, and Hindu communities, have come together in a remarkable display of solidarity. Their collective efforts in rescue and support remind us...

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Faith in Action: A Year of Global Elections and Prayer throgh the Lens of the Cross

In 2024, the world stands on the brink of substantial political change, with national elections scheduled or expected in over 50 countries. This unprecedented wave of elections, affecting almost half of the global population, offers a unique insight into the current state of democracy. From the United Kingdom to the United States, from India to Mexico, from South Africa to Iran, the landscape of global governance is poised for transformation. During respective election periods, we support our Faith2Share membership organisations...

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Faith2Share Upholds India in Prayer Amid Crucial Elections

As India's massive elections continue, with 970 million eligible voters going to the polls over several phases, the Faith2Share Christian community is keeping India firmly in its prayers during this crucial time. Despite the sizeable numbers of 22.31 million Christians in India, this religious minority remains largely under represented in parliament. The high stakes are not lost on the faithful members of Faith2Share. If pre-election polls prove accurate, the current BJP Government headed by Narendra Modi is poised to return to...

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Prayer Support for East Africa Amidst the Flood Crisis

As relentless rains wreak havoc across East Africa, our brothers and sisters face unprecedented challenges. The current crisis has impacted 23 out of Kenya’s 47 counties, resulting in catastrophic flooding that has destroyed infrastructure, submerged farmlands, and displaced thousands. Homes are underwater, and vital food crops have been swept away, leaving many in dire need. In Tanzania, the devastation continues, with floods claiming at least 58 lives and displacing 126,000 individuals. The floods have also decimated over 75,000 farms, severely impacting...

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Earth Day Reflection: Prayer for the Global South and Climate Justice

Today, on World Earth Day, we are reminded of the vital call to protect God's creation and ensure the well-being of all its inhabitants. It is crucial to acknowledge the challenges faced by countries in the Majority World that are often disproportionately affected by the adverse impacts of climate change. Despite contributing minimally to global emissions, Countries and regions in the Global South often bear the brunt of climate change, with rising temperatures and changing weather patterns threatening their way of life...

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Concluding 30 Days of Prayer for Muslims, Looking Ahead to 5 Days of Prayer for Sikhs

As Ramadan and the annual Christian 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World comes to a close, Faith2Share reflects on the power of prayer to bring people of different faiths together. For over 30 years, this annual prayer initiative and guide has inspired Christians worldwide to learn about, love, and pray for their Muslim neighbours. There are nearly 2 billion Muslims in the world, and like Christians, many are living in struggling countries with ethnic, political and religious challenges...

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The Way of the Cross

As we are travelling through the Holy Week, we are reminded by the Scriptures of the ultimate sacrifice that Christ did for us, and we hear from many of our members and partners about the cost of following in Christ's ways today. There are so many people in so many locations that are facing immense suffering, often forgotten by the world media, and we might feel helpless at times to do anything but pray. But we remember that after Good...

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Three SOMA Missions

Please pray for two SOMA missions that are currently taking place: (1) to Northern Bahr el Ghazai Internal Province in South Sudan (27 November – 10 December), and (2) to the Diocese of Kinshasa, DR Congo (28 November – 9 December; and also for a SOMA mission to Kajo-Keji, in exile at Palorinya Camp in Uganda from 9 – 16 December. Pray for both team members and delegates: for hearts to hear what the Lord is saying, and for opportunities...

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WEA General Assembly

Please pray for the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) General Assembly taking place 7-13 November 2019 in Jakarta, Indonesia, on the theme of "Your Kingdom come".

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People in Mission Conference, Nairobi

Please pray for the People in Mission conference being held in Nairobi from 14-19 October 2019. This is an opportunity for fellowship between CMS Africa and CMS, and also to explore collaboration between the two agencies, as well as a time for joint training and reflection, and rest and refreshment for those involved in mission work.

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An exploratory trip in Mozambique

A team of four Global Teams African brothers will be on an exploratory trip among the Nahara of Mozambique, a Muslim community with almost no known believers, from 7-17 October 2019. Please pray for safety in travel – they will be using buses, trains and taxis; for unity in the team; for divine contacts; for good health; for spirit-filled open doors, and for God’s guidance as they look to the future for this pioneer region.

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NZCMS' New National Director

Rosie Fyfe became the new National Director of New Zealand CMS on 22 July 2019. For five years she worked in Egypt as Director of the Diocesan Partnership Office responsible for building partnerships to support the ministries of the Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa, a large diocese which includes eight countries - and so she has an understanding of what it means to be a mission partner and to live cross culturally....

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NZCMS National Director's Road Trip

NZCMS National Director's Road Trip: Steve Maina is speaking on the highlights of 10 years with NZCMS, at various places from 7-30 June. Please pray for him as he prepares for his new role as Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Nelson, and pray too for the person who will take over as the next National Director.

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SOMA Missions in Tanzania

SOMA UK is in the middle of a mission to the Southern Zone Dioceses of Tanzania: Masisi, Nwala and Mtwara (29 May - 21 June), and about to start another mission in Tabora, Tanzania (18-25 June). Pray for the teams, that they will work well together and be alert to all the Lord has for them to share; and for the conference delegates to have open ears and hearts. Pray too for the intercessors for both these missions.

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Please pray for CMS’s new Chief Executive Officer, Alastair Bateman as he is commissioned on Saturday 8 June in Oxford.

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Mission to Maasai Land, Kenya

Please pray for the SOMA mission to Maasai Land, Kenya from 2-15 May 2019: for safety in travel, for unity and good team relationships, and for open and receptive hearts in the delegates.

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SOMA Missions in Africa

Please pray for two SOMA missions that are taking place in the next few weeks (1) Mission to Dioceses of Ruwenzori and East Ruwenzori, Uganda from 13 to 20 January; (2) Mission to Diocese of Athooch, South Sudan from 17 to 28 January. Pray for the two teams, for safety in travel, for good relationships and for alertness to the Holy Spirit; also for those looking after all the logistics and practicalities; and for the delegates – for open ears...

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Ethnic tensions in Gambella, Ethiopia

Ethnic tensions in Gambella, Ethiopia are running high at the moment which creates huge problems for St Frumentius’ Theological College which is multi-ethnic. Nuer students have been asked to remain with their families outside Gambella town this week as it is not safe for them to attend. Please pray for peace to be restored and for the church to be a faithful witness. Pray too for Chris and Suzy Wilson (CMS) and other staff, as well as the...

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Outreach in Burundi

Please pray for the annual summer campaign in Burundi – outreach undertaken by Harvest Initiatives over the next couple of weeks (4-18 August). 600+ evangelists are being sent out across the country and the anticipation is that many, many people will encounter Jesus and choose to follow him, as has happened over the past twelve years. Pray for boldness, sensitivity, good health, anointing, unity, holiness and protection for those being sent out.

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SOMA Missions in DR Congo and Uganda

Please pray for two SOMA missions (1) to Diocese of Kamango, DR Congo from 10 to 25 July, (2) to Kampala, Uganda from 18 July to 3 August, which will also include drama and digital workshops. Pray for the delegates that they would be open and responsive to all the Lord has for them, and pray for the teams that they would be alert to the Spirit's promptings as they pray, review and discuss the programmes each day.

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Leadership Training

Pray for the Lifeway’s Leadership Training with the International Training Institute at their Mission Centre in Nairobi from 28 May to 2 June

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CCD Conference 18-22 June 2018

The Christian Community Development Conference (CCDC) occurs every two years and is jointly organised by EEMA (European Evangelical Mission Association) AEM (German Evangelical Mission) and Micah Global. This year the theme is ‘The Mission of God’s People: called out to take responsibility’ and it takes place from 18-22 June in Southern Germany. Please pray that those attending would gain a deeper understanding of the Mission that God has called them to and that they would know how to respond in...

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40 Days of Prayer for Nepal

Please pray for the 40 days of Global Prayer Campaign for the prosperity, good governance and freedom of Nepal, organised by the Christian community of Nepal and which is taking place at the moment: 11 Aptil - 20 May 2018

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Referendum in Burundi

Please pray for Burundi as they approach the referendum on 17 May to amend (or not) the constitution to change the presidential terms from 5 to 7 years, renewable once. The clock on terms would be reset, so that potentially the current President could continue in power until 2034. There is little doubt about the result but please pray that the country will remain calm and peaceful over the next few weeks.

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Re-launching a mission agency

Pray for Robb Sykes, former trustee of Faith2Share, as he seeks to re-launch Mission Together in Canada with the help of some PhD students at the University of Toronto. Pray too for him as he travels to Italy in May on related matters, and also to Brazil in August for two weeks of preaching.

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Biblical Training

iServe Africa is holding its Ministry Training Course 3 from 21 April to 5 May when apprentices will travel from their placements for a two-week 'thorough' Biblical training. Please pray as they prepare for this, and that it will be an opportunity for the apprentices to really grow in their knowledge of God and His Word.

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Two SOMA Missions in Africa

Please pray for two SOMA missions taking place at the moment: 1) in Goma, DR Congo from 18-27 April; 2) in South Sudan from 22 April to 10 May. Pray for good relationships within the teams and also with the delegates - for understanding and grace across the cultural differences; for all those helping locally with the practicalities of accommodation, transport, feeding, etc; for the delegates - for open hearts to receive all the Lord has for them...

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West Bengal Vision Development Conference

Please pray for the West Bengal Vision Development Conference taking place 16-18 April 2018 in Kolkata, India. This is being organised by Indigenous Followers of Christ Network (IFCN), the facilitator being Tushar Manna, and it is for 150 West Bengal district mission workers, pastors and leaders. As well as being an opportunity for vision development, it will also be a time for fellowship, encouragement, connecting, relationship building and to work together for the advancement of the Kingdom of God in...

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Praying for Rain - and Peace - in Congo

On a visit to our office today, Bishop Desire and Mrs Claudaline Mukanirwa (Anglican Church of Congo) told us about their work in peace-making and reconciliation in D. R. Congo. Even though many rural areas are unsafe, in January Bishop Desire put his faith in God and travelled to villages near Goma for a 10-day mission focusing on peace and reconciliation. The mission included visiting prisoners and those sick in hospital, a football match uniting members of different tribes and...

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Prayers for Eastern DR Congo

“Here in Goma, we are in massive need of prayer due to insecurity increasing from one day to the next, often followed by kidnappings and killings. It seems that the Rwandan army may even have crossed the Congolese border in the past week. The situation is one of complete confusion and we do not currently have any answers, and just see more suffering for the Congolese people. Please lift us all up in prayer.” Bishop of Goma, Rt Revd Desire...

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SOMA Mission to South Sudan

Pray for the SOMA Mission to Maridi, South Sudan which has already started and continues to 7 March: for the delegates – for open and expectant hearts as they are encouraged and challenged this week; for the team members – to be alert to all the Lord is saying.

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Faith2Share Consultation in Rwanda

Faith2Share has been invited by Bishop Emmanuel of the Diocese of Byumba, Rwanda to offer a Whole-Life Consultation in his diocese (but also open to the other dioceses in Rwanda) from 19-22 February 2018. Please pray for those who attend as they explore in more depth what discipleship means for them and how they can adapt to a changing world and as a consequence have a positive Christian impact within their communities. Pray too for Anton and Timothy...

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New Bishop sought for Horn of Africa

Pray for the Anglican Church in Ethiopia, and especially Archbishop Mouneer of Egypt, North Africa and the Horn of Africa, as they seek a new bishop following Bishop Grant LeMarquand’s retirement from his position as Bishop of the Horn of Africa.Pray too for the students of St Frumentius Theological College as they prepare for field work travelling to work at churches all over the Gambella region including in many of the major refugee camps. Pray for protection and that they...

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10 Marathon days of Crusade and Outreach Mission

In Goma and the surrounding area the Diocese is having 10 Marathon days of Crusade and Outreach Mission. There is great need of the Gospel in this area due to atrocities and violence and tribalism. Police, prisoners, sick people and soldiers, along with many others, are hearing the good news, and there will be a Football match for peace, and an evangelistic event on 7 January which will include baptisms and confirmations. Much prayer is needed says...

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Peace and joy at Christmas

As we remember the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ please pray for those for whom it will be difficult to celebrate Christmas for one reason or another. Pray too for Mission Partners around the world spending Christmas/New Year apart from family and close friends. For all... pray for God's peace and joy as they celebrate and remember Christ's coming.

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NAMS in Latin America

Pray for the NAMS Network Latin America Regional Meeting taking place in Temuco, Chile from 8 to 10 December, when NAMS Companions will gather to strategize, plan and pray together for God to strengthen and multiply the fruit of their work and to grant open doors and labourers.

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Mission to South Sudan

Please pray for the SOMA Mission to the Diocese of Athooch, South Sudan, 7-21 December, and for team members, Stephen, Evans, Kate, Lobalang, Rebecca, Ron and host, Bishop Moses Anur. Pray for good relationships to be built up with their hosts, for the practicalities of travel and accommodation, and pray for the delegates, that their hearts will be receptive to all the Lord wants to say and do this week.

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Compassion for the Rohingya

In recent months hundreds of thousands of Rohingya have fled Myanmar seeking refuge in Bangladesh. Facing a huge challenge, NGOs and the government of Bangladesh are struggling to help the refugees survive in extremely difficult conditions. A Faith2Share contact in Bangladesh has sent word that God has enabled them to assist some 1,200 Rohingya families. Please pray for the Rohingya and those seeking to offer them support and compassion.Image: Tasnim News Agency

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Alcoholism in Mongolia

As winter descends, alcoholism remains a huge problem within the population of Mongolia. Please pray for churches and the recovery programmes they organise to have an impact on individuals and families

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India Mission Summit

The India Mission Summit (IMS) is an annual gathering of Mission Leaders of India organised by the India Missions Association (IMA) with the purpose of coming together to discuss contemporary issues facing Indian Christians and Missions. This year it is taking place from 6-8 September in Hyderabad and the theme is ‘The Future of Mission’ – an opportunity to explore the future of missions in India and thereby the future direction of IMA too. Please pray for this important meeting.

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Prayers for meetings in Latin America

The IV Ibero-American Missionary Congress is taking place from 22 to 25 August in Bogota, Colombia. It will mark 30 years of activity of COMIBAM, begun in 1987 in Sao Paulo. This year's theme is "With Jesus, on mission". During the Congress Anton Ponomarev will be meeting with Faith2Share members and on 26 August he will be facilitating a Faith2Share Latin America meeting.

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NAMS Africa regional meeting

NAMS Network are running an Africa-wide Regional Summit Meeting in Nairobi, Kenya from 18 to 20 August 2017. Please pray for those facilitating this event and for all those who attend.

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Kurdistan in Northern Iraq

Spiritually some great things are happening in Northern Iraq but there are not many Christians and it is not an easy harvest field. There are however numerous Christian NGOs and workers in this area and many are reaching out to the hundreds of thousands of Syrian and Iraqi refugees. Please pray for them as they seek to effectively spread the gospel, and pray for the Christian ministries that are working with the people traumatised by war: men, women and children....

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Two consultations in SE Asia

Please pray for two regional Faith2Share consultations taking place in the next couple of weeks: a Whole-life Discipleship consultation in Colombo, Sri Lanka from 7–10 July; and a Discipleship consultation for the Church of North India from 11-13 July. Mark Oxbrow and Vijay Isaac will be facilitating at both.

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Consultation in Amsterdam

Faith2Share is gathering together leaders from some of the major European mission agencies for a consultation in Amsterdam from 26 to 28 June, to explore together the pressing issues of sustainable models for missions. Please pray for this important consultation and for Dr Gilles Gravelle as he serves as facilitator and draws together their thinking.

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Youth work in DR Congo

Rev Bisoke Balikenga, a CMS local partner, works in DR Congo as Coordinator of the Youth Work. Please pray for his work as he desires to visit all the dioceses in DR Congo, including the new ones of Kamango and Goma, where they badly need advice on how to successfully build a youth department.

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50 Years and Thousands Transformed

Faith2Share joins our Indian member Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB) in praising God for His faithfulness over 50 years!On 9 June 1967 five brave pioneers began their ministry in Periyamalai (Dharmapuri District), marking the beginning of this indigenous mission movement.Writing on the golden anniversary FMPB President John Samuel thanked the Lord, ‘for this God-ordained movement, which has raised thousands of believers … across India … This is an occasion to celebrate that the Lord has enabled us to establish more...

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Training in Malaysia

Please pray for the AsiaGateway Training taking place in Malaysia from 3-30 June led by AsiaCMS. It’s an intercultural engagement training designed to equip leaders and potential trainers, and provides practical experience with theological reflection. There are 23 students with 9 from Malaysia and 14 from six countries in Asia and the UK.

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World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk

This weekend, 3-4 June, Viva, an international children’s charity, are organising their 21st annual World Weekend of Prayer for Children at Risk, which will unite hundreds of adults and children across more than 40 countries. They are hoping to mobilise a million children to pray and listen to God. Prayer makes a difference. God loves it when children pray.Lord Jesus, Help each of us to educate, equip, empower children about talking and...

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Interview with Archbishop Justin

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby was interviewed by Faith2Share member Church Mission Society member Church Mission Society interviewed Archbishop Justin about Thy Kingdom Come - a global wave of prayer for more people to come to know Jesus. The campaign stretches from Ascension to Pentecost (25 May to 4 June).What’s the vision for Thy Kingdom Come?After Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples went to Jerusalem and prayed for the coming of the Holy Spirit. The vision behind Thy Kingdom Come...

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AsiaCMS is looking for a new CEO

AsiaCMS is looking for a new CEO – someone who is passionate about mission, energetic and who will bring an exciting new vision. Pray that God’s person will be found and that they will be in place before the end of the year.

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40 Days of Prayer for Nepal

Vision Network Nepal have launched 40 Days of Prayer from 26 April to 4 June 2017 inviting people to unite in prayer for the Restoration of Peace, Prosperity, Good Governance, Unity and Revival for Nepal. Certain days have a particular focus: Sunday 21 May – United Women’s Prayer; Saturday 27 May – Global Outreach Day; Sunday 28 May – United Mountain Prayer; Sunday 4 June – Closing of 40 days of prayer & Global Day of Prayer.

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FMPB's Annual Camp 2017

From 18 to 21 May 2017 Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB) will be holding its Annual Camp entitled "Rejuvenate". Please pray that it will be a time of refreshment, inspiration and encouragement for all who attend.

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National Gathering in Derby

Mahabba Network are holding their third National Gathering on Saturday 13 May in Derby which will be based around the theme of ‘The Lord is my Shepherd’, Psalm 23. It will be a day of encouraging, equipping and inspiration, and will also focus on Mahabba activity around the UK as well as on refugees and what God is doing across Europe.

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visionSynergy Summit 2017

Pray for the 2017 visionSynergy Summit taking place in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 8 to 11 May, which will gather kingdom-focused network leaders from around the world to learn from one another, explore core competencies of high impact network leadership and share stories of how networks are helping advance the Gospel. Anton, from Faith2Share, will be attending and presenting a paper on Intentional Partnering on Wednesday morning (10th).

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African Congress on Discipleship

Please pray for the African Congress on Discipleship organised by MANI (the Movement for National African Initiatives) and taking place in Nairobi, Kenya from 1st to 5th May 2017

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SOMA Mission to DR Congo

Pray for the upcoming SOMA Mission to the Diocese of Kalemie, DR Congo from Wednesday 26 April to Sunday 14 May; for the team as they travel on Wednesday and gather together on Thursday; and as they preach and share in local churches on Sundays (30th & 7th). There are two mission conferences in Nyunzi, one beginning on Tuesday (2nd), the second the following week. Pray that the delegates will have receptive hearts to all the Lord has for them...

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Francophone-Africa Consultation

Please pray for the Francophone-Africa Consultation (CRAF) organised by MANI (The Movement for African National Initiatives) which is taking place in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire from 18 to 22 April 2017. Timothy Mazimpaka (Faith2Share/Church Army Africa) is attending.

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Student exams and a visit to Marsabit

Please pray for students from Church Army Africa’s Carlile College, Nairobi who will be taking exams from 3-7 April 2017. Afterwards they will be travelling to Marsabit in the north of Kenya to visit and help those who are living in drought conditions. Please pray for them as they experience a very different situation to Nairobi and pray that they will be able to help and encourage many during their visit.

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First Arab Anglican Bishop for North Africa

In a moving ceremony at All Saints Cathedral, Cairo, on 27 February, Archbishop Mouneer Hanna Anis consecrated Rev. Samy Fawzy Shehata as the first Arab Anglican area bishop for North Africa.Bishop Samy succeeds Bishop Bill Musk, who had presided over the diocese encompassing Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya since 2008.The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, sent his congratulations and praised the Diocese of Egypt for its role as a bridge between Muslims and Christians as well as between the various Christian...

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Heavy rains and floods in Peru

Many areas in Peru have been declared ‘in emergency’ due to the rains which arrived late this year and which have been excessively heavy. The swollen rivers are causing landslides and mudslides across Peru. As a result of problems with the dams, most of Lima and several other areas have been without water, whereas other areas have standing water and mud which could lead to disease. There has been loss of life, and shortages of food as well as water...

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New Life for India

Three prayer requests from Pranab Kishor Kumar of New Life for India:- for a leadership seminar for 50 youth on Saturday 25 March- for a seminar on Tuesday 4 April for around 70 government servants who are doing mission work - for a Pastors Fellowship on Tuesday 11 April. Thank you for praying.

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Training in Kuala Lumpur

Asia Gateway and Wesley Methodist Church, Kuala Lumpur are offering a weekend seminar on ‘Engaging with People from Different Faiths’ on 11 March 2017. Dr Tan Kang San and Ms Lee Loun Ling (AsiaCMS directors) will be giving an introduction on the major religions in Asia, such as Buddhism, Confucianism and Hinduism, as well as giving an analysis of interfaith issues in Asian contexts. Please pray that a good number will attend and that they will benefit from...

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Egypt: 3 more Christians killed, over 100 Christian families flee al-Arish

Following the recent killings of a number of Christians in the North Sinai town of al-Arish, which has led to many Christian families fleeing the town, Christians in Egypt request prayer for: the Lord’s comfort for all those whose loved ones have been killed; for provision for the physical and emotional needs of all those forced to flee al-Arish; for protection for Christians and others threatened by militants, and for an end to the threat posed by militants in the...

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Vocational training in Nepal

National Mission Commission of Nepal (NMCN) have recently started some vocational training to run alongside their missionary training to help young people develop various skills. Currently they have courses in tailoring and welding and they hope to expand this in the future. They would value your prayers for this initiative.

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iServe Africa's apprentices

Please pray for iServe Africa's continuing work in mentoring young people in the gospel. They would love to see many grasping the Gospel and living out their lives shaped by it. Their apprentices in the field are entering the third quarter of their training - pray that they will make wise decisions about their next steps in life and that the experiences in their placements will continue to shape them into becoming more godly.

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The Joy of Reading

'I am happy to have discovered this centre to learn to read and write' says a grateful graduate from a Congolese literacy centre. 'I can now read the Bible and understand the word of God in order to grow spiritually. I am trying to convince others to learn to read and write because it is important for social and spiritual life. Besides, it was through that literacy centre that I received Jesus as Lord and Saviour because we are taught...

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SOMA Mission to DR Congo

A SOMA team will be in the Diocese of Boga, DR Congo until 7 March taking part in a mission conference in Bunia. Please pray for the team as they share and minister to the many delegates who have travelled to this conference, and pray that the delegates will receive all that God has in store for them. Pray too for safety in travel.

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St Peter's School, South Sudan

In Ibba Diocese, South Sudan, St Peter’s School has been struggling to retain teachers. Please pray for long-term, sustainable solutions; and that willing teachers will remain in their roles at the school.

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Bolivia - Birmingham, UK link

An exciting link has developed between the dioceses of Birmingham and Bolivia, and a group from Birmingham led by Bishop David Urquhart will visit Bolivia from 1-17 March to further establish the link, with a particular emphasis on the formation and training of both lay and ordained leaders. The two dioceses share the challenge of sharing the gospel across cultures, and Bishop Raphael Samuel, diocesan bishop of Bolivia has a vision for intentional discipleship. Please pray for health and strength...

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The church in Vietnam

The people of Vietnam is one of the most unreached people groups in the world. Thank God that, although the church in Vietnam is small, it is growing steadily. Praise God for the rapid spread of the gospel among certain ethnic minority groups. Pray for greater growth of the church among the majority Vietnamese population.

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Challenge to get Sponsorship for 4000 children urgently

Due to Compassion International’s withdrawal from sponsoring around 4000 children in India due to Government regulations, it has created a major challenge for Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB) to get sponsorship for these children at short notice. These are children badly in need of education, health care, nutrition, protection, physical nurture and spiritual nurture. Please pray for FMPB as they rise to this challenge through prayer and action, and help them to shoulder this responsibility with grace and commitment.

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Latin America: People in Mission

Church Mission Society has a number of people going to Latin America shortly to work as short-term people in mission. Currently they are undergoing training in the UK. Please pray for them as they prepare and then head off: Sarah to Olinda, NE Brazil; Rose to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Bev to Asuncion, Paraguay; and Lydia and Mark to Santo Domingo, Ecuador.

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Pray for Burundi

Burundi needs our prayers as it is facing famine and hunger and urgently needs steady refreshing rain. Pray for those seeking to help in whatever way they can, especially our Christian friends in the country. And please continue to pray for reconciliation and forgiveness, giving thanks for those working together with ‘Christian Initiatives for Peace’.

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Christian Care for Migrants in Russia

Migration is a hot issue for politicians and societies around the world but Christians in many countries are showing practical compassion to immigrants. Every year large numbers of men from Central Asia move to Russia to find temporary work and support their families back home. These men often feel isolated but Russian Christians are caring for them and sharing the good news about Jesus. Pray that this work will be endorsed and strengthened at the Congress of Evangelical churches in...

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SOMA team in India

A SOMA team is visiting the Diocese of Nandyal in India from 19 January to 6 February. Please pray for their safety, peace and protection and alertness to all the Lord is saying; for good communications and understanding between Team Members and delegates; and for delegates that they will hear and receive from the Lord as they share together.

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Our trustee speaking on the Christian family

Please pray for John Wesley (one of our trustees) and his wife Mercy as they speak at the Keswick Convention in Kolipatti, India on the subject of the Christian family this Saturday (14th). This convention has been going for over 40 years and over 1,000 people are expected.

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New missionaries in India

23 new IEM missionaries completed their training in November 2016 and they will be going to their new mission fields this month (January). Please pray for them as they settle into their new areas and learn a new language and culture. Pray that they will continue to be equipped daily as they share their faith and disciple believers

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New Dean for St Frumentius, Ethiopia

The area of Gambella in Ethiopia has much need for more pastors and St Frumentius Anglican Theological College opened a couple of years ago to address this need. Currently they are looking for a new Dean. Please pray for the right person to be found, and pray for Bishop Grant as he functions as Acting Dean in the interim.

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Christian leaders gather in Central Asia

Today many Christian leaders from different parts of Central Asia have gathered in one (secure) location for a conference - Edge '17 - which will set the direction of their ministry for this new year. A large number of men and women who lead Christian communities in increasingly difficult situations are gathered from 2-8 January for prayer and praise, Bible study and consultation. They will be supported by others from nations outside the region to whom God has given a...

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Christmas Hope in Cambodia

“This year is the second anniversary of my new birth in Christ. I received and accepted Jesus at the Asian Outreach Cambodia Christmas Celebration in 2014. I decided to follow Christ because I saw Christians in my village work so well together with AOC to help the poor; this touched my heart. The pastors loved me by offering tangible help and they were so willing to share what they had with others as well. I realized that their love is...

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Young Leaders Training in India

Pray for Manna Mission’s ‘Second Line Young Leaders Training’, 9-10 December 2016 in Kolkata, India, seeking to train young Christian leaders with leadership skills for successful ministry.

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Elections in Uzbekistan

Pray for the forthcoming elections in Uzbekistan: that they will be free and fair, that there will be a peaceful outcome and that the new president will rule with justice and integrity. Pray too for a move towards greater freedom of speech as well as freedom of belief for all people. Pray particularly for Uzbek Christians who currently face intense persecution: for courage in their faith, for access to Bibles in their own language, and for opportunities to meet together...

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Youth work in DR Congo

Bisoke Balikenga has asked for prayer for his work with the youth in Congo. “We are running a special youth and children programme this December for one week in the Anglican University, where youth and children can learn more and have time to know the Word of God. This forum will give the youth time to share and reflect on their future.”

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Envisioning Mission Work in Africa

Faith2Share is organising a consultation that will bring together Kenyan members and partners to discuss ‘The Theological Model of Mission in Africa’, from 28 to 30 November in Nairobi. Please pray for them as they come together to continue, and build up, their fellowship and as they look at ways they can work together. Pray too for Timothy Mazimpaka as he facilitates this event.

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National Youth Conference in India

Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB) are holding a National Youth Conference in Mumbai, India from 11 to 14 November. Pray for those organising the event, for those leading and speaking, and for the young people attending that they would be spiritually blessed and leave with a burden for mission that would eventually lead many of them to commit their lives to serve full time for God.

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A meeting of the bishops of the Province of South America

A meeting of bishops of the Province of South America is taking place 3-6 November followed by the Provincial Synod 7-10 November. Pray for Henry Scriven (Church Mission Society mission director for Latin America) and Bishop Fanta Clarke (SAMS Ireland) doing the Bible readings, and for Mark Oxbrow (Faith2Share) leading a morning session on discipleship. Pray too for the preparations for the meetings, and for the election of the new presiding bishop for the province.

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Celebrating 40 years

Antioch Mission, based in Sao Paulo, Brazil is celebrating 40 years of mission over the weekend of 28-30 October, and Faith2Share’s Mark Oxbrow will be joining them for the celebrations. Praise God for the wonderful way He has blessed their ministry - from their small beginnings they have grown to 100 missionaries serving in 20 countries across Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia; churches have been planted and many people have become disciples of Jesus Christ. The Mission...

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Depth Discipleship Consultation in Ghana

Faith2Share is facilitating a Whole-Life Discipleship Consultation in Accra, Ghana from 24 to 27 October in collaboration with Torchbearers Mission and Ghana Evangelical Mission Association (GEMA). Please pray for Anton (Faith2Share) and Kofi (Torchbearers Mission) as they make final preparations for this event, and pray for the 50 or so participants who are travelling from Nigeria, Togo, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea and of course Ghana to be there. Pray too that it will be a fruitful time for...

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People in Mission Conference

Pray for the ‘People in Mission’ Conference taking place in Kampala, Uganda between 17 and 21 October, which is bringing together mission personnel affiliated with Church Misson Society and CMS Africa. Pray for safety in travel, for good fellowship and for God’s rich blessing on all that is shared.

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2016 Global Mission Conference

The 2016 Global Mission Conference is taking place in London from 12-15 October – a gathering of missionaries, mission societies, pastors, theologians and church members to think and pray about Mission in the Third Millennium. Faith2Share is being represented by Mark Oxbrow. Please pray for those speaking and leading seminars, for participants, for good fellowship and for God’s rich blessing.

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Mega Teens Camp in Chennai

Pray for the FMPB (Friends Missionary Prayer Band) Mega Teens Camp in Chennai, 9-11 October for those aged 13+. The theme is 4G based on Acts 1:8: Get Jesus, Grow every day, Glow everywhere, Go and share. On 11 October there is a special programme for Teens’ Parents called ‘Bringing up a Google Generation’.

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Teacher, your seminar is not the main thing

After working hard on preparation, a teacher doesn’t want to hear that the seminar was not the major blessing. But when the seminar is on the subject of family life and the feedback praises their parenting, then it’s a job well done. "More than the teaching, I have been blessed by seeing their family life. I am touched by the way they have nurtured their children." This was Raj Kumar's response after attending a family life seminar run by Faith2Share...

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WEA Consultation in Panama

The World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission Global Consultation is taking place 3-7 October and the theme is “POLYCENTRIC MISSION: from all nations to all nations”. It is a gathering of around 300 senior mission leaders from around the world, this year in Panama. Anton Ponomarev will be representing Faith2Share. Pray for a productive time and for good fellowship, with the strengthening of existing bonds and the building of new relationships.

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Peace and stability in DR Congo

Pray for peace and stability during this time of uncertainty. There is political opposition to the current president standing for a third term in power (the current limit is two terms), and the date of the general election may be moved from December 2016 because all necessary preparations may not be in place to ensure a proper election. Pray that the leadership will remember that their God-given mandate is to serve the people and not self-perpetuate itself in power as...

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Delivered From Witchcraft!

The conversion of a prominent witch, rapid church growth, harsh terrain, nomads and congregations using rocks as seats - this is the context for the indigenous Kenyan mission, One Youth Ministry, which has close links with Faith2Share. Despite very limited resources, the mission is seeing extraordinary fruit. The advances of God's Kingdom in this region do not come without a cost, however. On a recent fact-finding mission by motorbike, the local worker got stuck in deep mud in an area...

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Mission Conference in Northern Ireland

Pray for the CMS Ireland "Ignite" Conference this Saturday, 24 September in Newry, Northern Ireland. The programme will include worship, teaching and a range of seminars - as well as updates and stories from Global and Mission Partners. Anton Ponomarev will be representing Faith2Share.

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Week of Prayer for the Near East, 2-9 October

Please consider sharing in Near East Initiatives' call to spend time in worship, focused prayer and intercession for this beautiful region, celebrating all the wonderful things God has already done, while contending for the so much more that He still wants to do!

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The next Bishop of Goma

Congratulations to Desire Mukanirwa, a wonderful friend of Faith2Share, as he has been appointed as the next Bishop of Goma in the DR Congo. Please pray that God will fully equip him for this demanding role.

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Myanmar Conference Raises Hopes of Peace

New peace talks between Myanmar’s government and armed ethnic groups present the prospect of an end to decades of conflict. At the opening of the conference Aung San Suu Kyi underlined the importance of national unity and reconciliation for sustained development. Pastor David, a Faith2Share member in Myanmar, said that this is the most important Union Peace Conference and is crucial for the establishment of peace in his country. Since Myanmar gained independence from Britain in 1948 more than 130,000...

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The Middle East

Pray for the Holy Spirit to be at work in this region and that during Arab World Media’s dreams/visions media campaign (from July to September), people who have had genuine spiritual dreams will contact AWM and become disciples of Jesus.

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Indian Children grow to mature faith

Faith2Share heard today from one of our member agencies in India who run a number of Child Development Centers in the Indian states of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. They share encouraging news of children growing to maturity in their Christian faith as they also complete their education and learn how to be positive members of their local community. We are asked to pray for these children, their parents and the Indian missionaries who are working with them. Pray also for...

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Feeding the hungry in South Sudan

Pray for all the agencies working to feed the hungry in South Sudan. The nutrition position has worsened and been described as ‘catastrophic’ by UNICEF as a result of insecurity, inaccessible roads and soaring prices. A quarter of a million children are reported to be facing severe malnutrition; seven of the ten states have reached the ‘malnutrition emergency rate’ of 15%, and in northern Bahr-el-Ghazal it is 33%. Continue to pray for peace in this fragile nation and an end...

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New Archbishop of Burundi + Outreach Campaign

Pray for Martin Blaise Nyaboho, the new Archbishop of Burundi who will be enthroned on Sunday 21 August. Pray for him, for vision and confidence as he seeks to lead the Anglican Church forward; and pray for retiring Archbishop Bernard Ntahotouri as he continues as Bishop of Matana. Pray too for 700 local Burundian missionaries on a two week outreach campaign across the country - they will be focussing on towns and their immediate surrounding areas and...

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Youth Mission in DR Congo

Please pray for a youth mission in Bunia, DR Congo, where 252 delegates are gathering to reflect on the theme of “You are God’s workmanship”. SOMA UK is supporting an East African team who are leading this mission.

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Church planting in Kenya

One Youth Ministry have recently planted two churches in the north of Kenya near Lodwar. In one area, seven people gave their lives to the Lord at an evening crusade. By the 17th day the church was operational with a congregation of 32 people including children. The other church is in its fifth month, having opened with seven members who are predominantly nomadic, but the area is set to grow, as a county health centre has recently opened. Please pray...

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Working with children in West Bengal

Mrinal has asked us to pray for the work of T-SHED Ministry in Kolkata, India which is growing and expanding – they are now working in five districts in West Bengal, mostly engaging in the integral development of children through education, medical care, creative activities, environment awareness programmes, hygiene and different social and economic issues. They are also reaching the parents and neighbourhood too. Praise God for the team that is working together in this ministry for God’s Kingdom.

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Three days of fasting and prayer

Please join FMPB (Friends Missionary Prayer Band) in prayer – they have organised three days of national fasting and prayer at several centres throughout India on 12, 13 and 14 August to pray for the nation of India - it is nearly 70 years since Independence.

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iServe Africa Apprenticeship Programme

iServe Africa are holding a Debrief Retreat for their outgoing team of apprentices, 9 - 12 August. They have been serving in a variety of different placements since last September. Please pray for them as they look back at how the year has been but also look forward to what the next step will be. Pray that it will be a good time of fellowship, reflection and fun. From 27 August – 2 September the...

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Give thanks for Vision Conference

Give thanks for the successful Vision Conference in Bunia, DR Congo last week. 42 pastors from 20 different churches attended, some who had attended before, but others who were new. The participants have decided to work together on a seed project which will help in reconciling people in the region. Please pray for continued fruit to come from this conference, and for the possibility of a similar conference for youth leaders in the Diocese of Boga.

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Training in Myanmar

From 3rd – 7th August a team from NAMS (two from Nepal, two from Myanmar and two from Thailand) will be in Mandalay, Myanmar for church planting training. They are expecting about 30 leaders and will be sharing biblical principles for disciple-making that leads to reproducing communities of faith. Please pray that the team would be a blessing to the leaders in their sharing and presence and that the training will bear fruit particularly among unreached people groups.

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Asia Gateway training underway

From 16 July to 26 August a six-week residential training on cross-cultural mission for 17 church leaders and workers from six countries: Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Nepal, Turkey and Singapore is running at Malaysia Theological Seminary in Seremban. Past training helped to birth a teaching ministry in Cambodia. Please pray that this foundational and practical course will well equip these students for ministry among Asian cultures and Asian religions.

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Vision Conference in DR Congo

Please pray for a Vision Conference, organised by Samaritan Purse, taking place in Bunia, DR Congo from 25 July. Pastor Jacob from Rwanda will be speaking and 50 pastors from several churches as well as some church leaders will be attending.

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Pray for new believers in Bihar, India

Bihar Christian Church, a Faith2Share member, held two large Baptism services in May in two different villages with people from many different people groups. Many have received deliverance from demonic oppression, physical healing, mental healing, etc. They have seen the demonstration of the power of the gospel in their lives and have responded and accepted Christ. Please pray for these new believers that they may grow in their faith and become strong witnesses to their family members and friends.

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Continue praying for South Sudan

Following the recent troubles in South Sudan, please continue to pray that the ceasefire would hold long enough for some real peace to grow. Pray for the leaders and other African leaders working with them as they work to try to see peace remain. The churches’ response has been a powerful witness as people have fled to churches as places of security and safety but they have few resources. Please pray for the displaced and for their need of basics...

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New educational centre in Nepal

The National Mission Commission of Nepal runs three different slum centres in Thapathali and Godavari slums in Kathmandu, serving 150 children by providing education, food and educational materials. They have seen huge improvements in the lives of children and thank God for hard-working teachers. Now they are planning to start another centre for high school students and would value our prayers for this new centre as well as for the existing ones. Pray too for their work in Nepal as...

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Pray for the training of Indian leaders

A Faith2Share partner Indian mission movement, which works primarily in West Bengal, has requested prayer for two events in the near future. During July they will be offering training to 15 people who come from a Muslim background and have decided to follow Isa (Jesus). They write, "This training will be based on CHE (Community Health Evangelism) materials and CHE strategy. CHE is a strategic model for integrating evangelism, discipleship and community transformation. It’s a five days intensive training program...

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Growing young Disciples under fire

A partner from Ukraine wtites to Faith2Share, "We have started a very exciting project called “Daniel School”. Its purpose is to train selected teenagers to be church and society leaders. the programme involves studies of Scripture, apologetics, logic, rhetorics, sports, camping, hiking, rafting, teamwork etc. We are going to provide an academic content for the program. All sessions are broadcasted online. I was especially touched through boys and girls who followed us online from the war zone of Donetsk and...

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South Sudan slips back into war

Despite bold hopes for peace in South Sudan it appears as if full scale war has once again broken out in Africa's newest nation, South Sudan. International news sources are reporting three days of hostilities between forces loyal to the President Salva Kiir and those supporting the Vice-President and other breakaway factions. The main fighting has been in and around Juba and has involved small arms fire, tanks and helicopter gunships. A local radio station, Radio Tamazuj, put the number...

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Prayer Campaign: Saturday 23rd April

The Faith2Share Bangalore Leadership Consultation 2016 ended last night with a closing act of worship. As people make their way home today, we give thanks for this opportunity to share, learn, pray and worship together.Thank you Lord for all those who have uplifted it in prayer. Pray for the lasting fruit of this event and pray for everyone’s safe travels. We also ask for prayer for our Leadership Consultation in Myanmar, which starts tomorrow night (Sunday) in Yangon. Manik Corea,...

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Prayer Campaign: Friday 22nd April

Today is a day of mission training modules at Bangalore Leadership Consultation 2016. Please pray for effective training and good learning to equip leaders well for mission. The modules cover key themes in the mission field: disciple making and church planting; missiology for indigenous leadership; loving Muslim neighbours; leader to leader mentoring and sustainability in mission. We give thanks for the insights of our experts doing the training and we pray that our participants find these modules useful for the...

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Prayer Campaign: Thursday 21st April

Today at the Bangalore Leadership Consultation 2016, Faith2Share international director Mark Oxbrow will talk about the future vision of the Faith2Share network, alongside Faith2Share trustee John Wesley. Discussion will include how we better support our network members and encourage greater collaboration. Please pray for Faith2Share as we build on our work around discipleship and integrate new member missions into the network and explore how to better serve some of our Global North members.We also give thanks to God for bringing...

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Prayer Campaign: Wednesday 20th April

Effective collaboration in mission is at the core of what Faith2Share seeks to achieve. Today in Bangalore participants will consider how they can build effective collaboration in their own contexts. This theme will also tie in with a focus on whole life discipleship.Part of our Myanmar chapter A great example of collaborative mission is seen with our partners in Myanmar (pictured above). Back in 2012 Faith2Share was in touch with a small group of Christian leaders in and around Yangon,...

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Prayer Campaign: Tuesday 19th April

Today in Bangalore Faith2Share leaders will be considering the role of mission against a backdrop of violence, and a world of many faiths. In many contexts around the world our partners are on the frontline and need our constant prayer protection. In Syria, other parts of the Middle East, Ukraine, DR Congo, Burundi and Sudan persecution is common place - and at the hands of the so called ‘Islamic State’ has verged on genocide. Please pray for those who work...

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Prayer Campaign: Monday 18th April

The theme for the opening day of the main Bangalore Leadership Consultation 2016 is the mission context of India and the growth of Indian mission movements. We thank God for all our members and partners in India and give special thanks for FMPB’s Vijay Isaac, our Asia coordinator and Rev John Wesley, our Indian trustee. John was general secretary of IEM until December 2015 (see below).Case Study: Celebrating Faith2Share member, Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM) The year 2015 was a landmark...

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Prayer Campaign: Sunday 17th April

We pray today for the global impact of mission, especially through the 6,000 mission workers within the Faith2Share network. On the eve of the Bangalore Leadership Consultation, pray for all the delegates, speakers, organisers, and those who are going to act as our hosts in Bangalore, India.Today is the Fourth Sunday of Easter, the day on which the church traditionally celebrates the witness of Dorcas (Tabitha) from Joppa who was raised to life by Peter after her death. Dorcas was...

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Prayer Campaign: Saturday 16th April

Looking back over the past year, we give thanks and praise God for all that has been achieved within the Faith2Share network and among our members.Key highlights include:Ongoing support for emerging mission leaders in MyanmarBringing together mission and church leaders in North India for shared missionSupport of the Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative which brings together Orthodox and evangelical leaders with a focus on missionHelping the Anglican Communion initiate a nine year focus on intentional discipleshipEncouraging leaders in DR Congo by facilitating an...

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​Welcome to the Faith2Share 2016 Prayer Campaign

Your daily prayer guide from Saturday 16 April until Saturday 23 April.This is our third prayer campaign - designed to celebrate with our members, supporters and partners the global flow of prayer for mission across the Faith2Share network. We encourage you to join us here in prayer for the next eight days.Our prayer campaign this year coincides with the 2016 Faith2Share Leadership Consultation in Bangalore, India, from 17–22 April on the theme of Transforming Communities Together – building effective partnerships...

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