Global discipleship for a changing world
  • Milestone of Faith: IEM’s 60th Anniversary and New Headquarters

    One of our cherished members for many years of our network, the Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM), is celebrating this year its... Read More >>>

  • Faith2Share Welcomes New Regional Coordinator for Africa

    Faith2Share is delighted to announce the appointment of Capt. Bernard Irungu as our new Regional Coordinator for Africa. Based in Nairobi, Kenya,... Read More >>>

  • Faith2Share Members Gather in Kenya for Prayer, Fellowship, and Collaboration

    On Saturday, 23 November, Faith2Share members and partners in Kenya came together for an inspiring day of prayer, fellowship, and mutual sharing.... Read More >>>

  • Discovering Whole-Life Discipleship: A Young Leader's Story

    At a recent Faith2Share's discipleship consultation in Islamabad, Asad experienced something transformative for his ministry. As a youth leader... Read More >>>

Our mission is to enable effective collaborations between mission movements and leaders
– working together globally to share faith and change lives


Faith2Share is a global network of mission movements. One of the best ways to get in touch and involved is through a mission movement in your own region, perhaps a mission agency or a church. Please have a look at our list of network members or consult your church leader to find your nearest mission movement.

If you are a leader of a mission movement we would like to encourage you to collaborate with other mission leaders through your national or regional mission network - some of these are listed on our connected networks page.

If you are already connected with your national or regional network and would like to explore whether it would be helpful to also join the Faith2Share network then we would be interested to hear from you. Before you contact us please look closely at our vision and key statements.


I am thankful to Faith2Share for opening the platform for me to meet others leaders of the network to work in collaboration – learning from others. Praying for us, sending their newsletter, keeping in good contact and mentoring and encouraging me personally.

Pranab Kishor Kumar, New Life for India, India