Global discipleship for a changing world
  • Milestone of Faith: IEM’s 60th Anniversary and New Headquarters

    One of our cherished members for many years of our network, the Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM), is celebrating this year its... Read More >>>

  • Faith2Share Welcomes New Regional Coordinator for Africa

    Faith2Share is delighted to announce the appointment of Capt. Bernard Irungu as our new Regional Coordinator for Africa. Based in Nairobi, Kenya,... Read More >>>

  • Faith2Share Members Gather in Kenya for Prayer, Fellowship, and Collaboration

    On Saturday, 23 November, Faith2Share members and partners in Kenya came together for an inspiring day of prayer, fellowship, and mutual sharing.... Read More >>>

  • Discovering Whole-Life Discipleship: A Young Leader's Story

    At a recent Faith2Share's discipleship consultation in Islamabad, Asad experienced something transformative for his ministry. As a youth leader... Read More >>>

We impact the lives of people across many different cultures,
developing global Christian discipleship, leadership and faith for a changing world

Faith2Share is a learning organisation with passion for sharing learning and insight with our network members, partners, supporters.

Here are a few links to resources that you may find useful for information, connection and prayer. More will be following in the coming months...


A selection of Faith2Share's consultation reports from the past few years:

  1. Nairobi Leadership Consultation (2019)
  2. Chiang Mai Leadership Consultation (2017)
  3. Bangalore Leadership Consultation (2016)
  4. Ghana Depth Discipleship (2016)
  5. Myanmar Depth Discipleship (2016)
  6. DR Congo Leadership Consultation (2015)
  7. Myanmar Leadership Consultation (2015)
  8. Nepal Depth Discipleship Consultation (2014)
  9. Addis Ababa Leadership Consultation (2014)
  10. Nigeria Depth Discipleship Consultation (2013)
  11. Nairobi Depth Discipleship Consultation (2013)
  12. Bangkok Leadership Consultation (2013)

Mission resources

A selection of some key mission resources:

  1. Well Connected by Phill Butler
  2. Making it Happen - Congregations address HIV-AIDS
  3. Holistic Mission - a resource from Interserve
  4. CCM Advocacy Guide
  5. Building-Kingdom-Communities-2016
  6. CMS history - an international family
  7. Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World - Guidelines
  8. Challenges to Freedom of Religion in post-Soviet Central Asia (report from Mission Eurasia)
  9. Bribery and the Bible by Richard Langston
  10. AfriGO - a new magazine on emerging missions in Africa published by SIM (also available in French)

In 2018 Faith2Share has worked with 112 church and mission leaders and organised consultations and training events in Rwanda, Kenya, India and Myanmar. Faith2Share has also partnered with the Anglican Communion providing input, planning and facilitation in Malawi – with 105 church and mission leaders having been impacted. Our partnership with the Diocese of Goma in DR Congo has resulted in over 400 young Christians exposed to the Faith2Share’s Discipleship training.

Faith2Share Impact Statement 2018