LEADERSHIP - We focus our support on mission leaders, creating new opportunities for them to connect, learn and grow in leadership.
Most of our work within the Faith2Share network is with Christian leaders with a focus on mission and collaboration. We do this with several objectives and through a range of interventions. The Faith2Share network is intrinsically relational and our focus is on the missional maturity of leaders and the impact of their ministries.
We work directly with over 600 leaders from five continents. Each leader acts as a ‘gateway of influence’, often having more than 20 other leaders reporting to them, alongside the oversight and responsibility for hundreds of mission workers. Faith2Share’s ability to strengthen and influence a large number leaders and mission practitioners is significant.
“The leaders of our mission agencies need to be empowered not only with theological studies but also with managerial training for outstanding output in missions.”
Plamthodathil S Jacob, Leadership and Mission, Ed. Mark Laing, 2004
Faith2Share builds leaders for three key outcomes. To help them:
Lead disciple-making movements where children, women and men learn to follow Jesus in every aspect of their lives.
Build effective collaborations in mission as they establish trust and respect with other leaders in their own locations as well as internationally.
Recognise when God is is raising up new and emerging mission movements, and to know how and when to come alongside and strengthen these new movements (seeking to foster inter-dependency and mutuality).
“Leadership development is at the heart of Christian mission. Leaders emerge from the inner and outward workings of any successful organisation or movement. The missionary movement is no exception. Development of potential new leaders has been the goal and expression of the Christian mission from its inception.”
Dr Roger E Hedlund, Forward in Leadership and Mission, Ed. Mark Laing, 2004.
I am thankful to Faith2Share for opening the platform for me to meet others leaders of the network to work in collaboration – learning from others. Praying for us, sending their newsletter, keeping in good contact and mentoring and encouraging me personally.
Pranab Kishor Kumar, New Life for India, India
Faith2Share’s leadership model of change is based on four key activities. Click on the WORDS to finD out more...
As the Anglican Communion seeks to deepen its collaboration in global mission, I welcome its close links with the Faith2Share Network, which remains an important initiative in bringing together partners from across the world who seek to participate in God’s mission today.
The Most Revd Justin Welby, Emeritus Archbishop of Canterbury
Faith2Share is delighted to announce the appointment of Capt. Bernard Irungu as our new Regional Coordinator for Africa. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Bernard will play a key role in strengthening Faith2Share’s coordination efforts among our network members across the continent, with a particular focus on Kenya, where several of our members are located.We warmly welcome Capt. Irungu to the Faith2Share team and look forward to the impact he will bring to our network and the wider mission community.
About Capt. Bernard...
As we mark the first anniversary of the devastating conflict between Israel, Gaza and now Lebanon and the wider Middle East, Faith2Share joins our members and others to reflect on a year marked by profound loss and suffering in the region. We mourn for the lives torn apart and for the wounds that remain open, on all sides. Many among us have connections to this region, and we stand with them, praying for an end to the violence that...
Mission leaders often work in isolated contexts and are looking for fellowship and companionship on what can be a long and testing journey. Sadly ‘burn-out’ is not uncommon among senior mission leaders and practitioners, with others surviving in a ‘head just above the water’ mode – unable to remain innovative and reflective or to motivate and inspire their teams. Accompaniment provides personal support, fellowship, challenge and spiritual refreshment along the way.
As the fellowship and trust between mission leaders grows there is clear scope for mentoring and coaching provision. Faith2Share focuses this mentoring particularly around our other three commitments: engaging with new and emerging mission movements, mission collaboration and whole-life discipleship. We advocate for these and encourage all our members to do likewise. The mentoring arrangements within Faith2Share have often been informal and member-initiated but we are currently moving to a more formal process for both mentoring and coaching.
The consultations run by Faith2Share each year are the most high-profile and public aspect of our work. However, in reality they form part of a mesh of continual consulting and consultation which ranges from enquires emailed into the office to formal consultation processes run for organisations, groups, dioceses or mission bodies; such as the Lausanne-Orthodox Initiative. The consultancy process also feeds into other aspects of our work as the collaboration provides the opportunity for fellowship, the spark for mentoring and the challenge to train and resource.
The world is full of excellent resources but too often they are in the wrong place, the wrong language, too expensive, or just not known about. We also live in a time when some people complain about information overload while millions of others lack the most basic needs, as well as vital information and resources. A key role of Faith2Share is to make known and available the depth and breadth of mission resources that already exist. We also encourage and facilitate the production of new resources where needed; often wrestling with complex questions of missiology, local mission sustainability and global patronage.
Faith2Share provides this through:
One-stop advice centre
Web-based resource bank
Leadership briefing (monthly email)
Bespoke resource identification, including resourcing people internationally