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Faith2Share Upholds India in Prayer Amid Crucial Elections

As India's massive elections continue, with 970 million eligible voters going to the polls over several phases, the Faith2Share Christian community is keeping India firmly in its prayers during this crucial time. Despite the sizeable numbers of 22.31 million Christians in India, this religious minority remains largely under represented in parliament.

The high stakes are not lost on the faithful members of Faith2Share. If pre-election polls prove accurate, the current BJP Government headed by Narendra Modi is poised to return to power for an unprecedented third consecutive term on June 4th. Since then there has been rising intolerance towards religious minorities, with 12 states enacting anti-conversion laws often weaponised to harass and target Christians.

The violence in Manipur serves as a grim reminder of what's at stake. Over the past year, the Christian Kuki Zho ethnic group has endured religious intolerance with over 320 churches damaged or destroyed in the Imphal valley alone. An estimated 70,000 have been displaced, as part of the conflict with the Hindu majority Meiteis.

Across India, Christian NGOs, including members of Faith2Share, providing vital services remain fearful.

Yet, in the face of such adversity, the faith of India's Christians and the Faith2Share community remains unshaken. They hope and pray that a new administration may reverse the tide of intolerance and enshrine the secular values that have defined the world's largest democracy. Their fervent prayers echo across India - for a safe and just election process, for wise and ethical leaders committed to protecting all faiths, and for a future where they can worship freely without fear.

As the final phases of this monumental exercise in democracy unfold, the Faith2Share community and the world watch and wait the outcome, which will significantly influence the treatment of religious minorities and the enforcement of laws impacting religious freedom. As India stands at this critical juncture, we pray for a safe and just electoral process, guided by the principles of honesty, integrity, and fairness. May the voices of all citizens be heard, and may the elected leaders govern with wisdom, compassion, and a commitment to upholding the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Indian constitution.