Global discipleship for a changing world

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172 trained for discipleship in West Bengal

Just weeks after the Faith2Share Leadership Consultation in Bangalore one of our participants gathered 172 Indian leaders from across West Bengal for a Discipleship Consultation. During the two days of intensive training Tushar, a Faith2Share leader spoke on 'Depth Discipleship' and how churches can encourage their new and existing members to follow the ways of Jesus in every aspect of their lives. Tushar attended the very first Faith2Share Depth Discipleship consultation in northern India in 2012. Now he is planning for further training consultations in "every district of West Bengal".

Depth, or 'Whole-life' discipleship has been a key commitment for Faith2Share for the past five years. We have now run consultations in several parts of Africa and Asia with another planned for Ghana in October 2016. Staff are currently planning towards our first Latin American consultation on this theme possibly in late 2016. Those who have attended these training consultations have often gone on to hold similar events in their own context. Please pray for this work as we help Christians live every moment of their lives 'as Jesus would'.