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Christian Love in Action: Responding to Kenya's Flood Tragedy

Faith2Share is privileged to work with diverse Christian organisations and individuals worldwide. We often receive reports demonstrating Christian witness in action. One such report comes from Rachel, who works on the ground with a member in Kenya. She wrote to share her firsthand account of local Christian efforts to overcome the aftermath of the recent tragic flooding in Maai Mahiu, Nakuru County, Kenya. The flooding left over 60 people dead and many injured or destitute. It is a heartening story that embodies the spirit of Ubuntu - the African philosophy that "a person is a person because of or through others" - in response to a devastating flood.

In the wake of the disaster, a local Christian organisation quickly mobilised resources and donations to provide essential support for families, primarily tenants, who lost everything and are struggling to rebuild their lives. Rachel's report highlights their holistic approach to care. They didn't just provide essentials, but also recognised less obvious needs: school supplies for children, 'dignity kits' for personal hygiene, and mosquito nets.

The organisation also acknowledged the victims' need for psychosocial and psycho-spiritual counseling to cope with their losses. Volunteers, especially local pastors, are offering their services and support. Rachel shared the story of one flood survivor who miraculously escaped with his family, attributing their survival to the power of prayer.

In addition to immediate relief, the organisation is implementing economic empowerment initiatives. One flood victim will start a small cafeteria business, providing affordable meals to locals and helping her regain financial stability.

Faith2Share is honoured to share this local Christian community's response to the Maai Mahiu flood tragedy, which highlights the resilience and compassion of the local Christian community. Their efforts are a testament to the power of collective action, faith, and the true spirit of Ubuntu and Christian love. As the community rebuilds, we continue to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Kenya, offering our support and prayers.