Global discipleship for a changing world

Read the latest edition of our newsletter Missionet.


Looking Back to Go Forward

At our recent board meeting concluding last financial year, we thanked God for His faithfulness over the past year. Despite many challenges, we continue to support a network of mission and church organisations, many of which operate in challenging parts of the Global South.

In 2023-2024, Faith2Share engaged with over 150 church and mission leaders worldwide. Recognising the cost burden of international travel we have made a conscious decision to build on the online experience gained through the pandemic and continue to support local leadership through online meetings rather than organising large physical gatherings. Our focus remains on empowering mission leaders, enabling working together in mission and keeping discipleship high on the agenda of the network and our partners. This renewed focus is essential as we continue to discern new ways to maximise our impact and ensure our mission thrives even in economically constrained times.Looking forward, our vision for Faith2Share is clear: to deepen our support for mission leaders and to enhance our collaborative efforts across the network. As we move forward, Faith2Share is dedicated to nurturing these relationships and exploring new opportunities for cooperation. We recognise that our strength lies in our unity and our shared commitment to serving God.