One of the joys of the Faith2Share network is to hear inspiring stories from our members and partners, who often work in some of the most challenging locations. Last week Bisoke Balikenga (pictured with Nicki, Faith2Share Administrator), visited our office and told us about his ministry in Eastern Congo, especially in the areas of peace-building and the empowerment of women and young people. It was humbling to hear how Bisoke, a local partner of Faith2Share member Church Mission Society, is ministering to those in greatest need. He was part of Faith2Share’s 2015
Great Lakes regional consultation in Goma, which brought together participants from DR Congo, Kenya, Burundi and Rwanda. We are delighted that this gathering equipped and encouraged him in his work across Eastern Congo. What is more, a small group of ministries was subsequently formed in Bunia which has been very fruitful. Their ministries have ranged from the provision of education for young girls to miraculous healings and conversions.