Global discipleship for a changing world
  • Reflecting on Eid al-Fitr and Recent Events

    As Eid al-Fitr has just concluded, marking the end of Ramadan, we at Faith2Share extend our thoughts to our Muslim neighbors and to our Christian... Read More >>>

  • Faith2Share: Facilitating Connections in Cairo

    Recently, Faith2Share had the privilege of participating as an observer and facilitator at a significant gathering of Christian organisations in... Read More >>>

  • Prayer Support for East Africa Amidst the Flood Crisis

    As relentless rains wreak havoc across East Africa, our brothers and sisters face unprecedented challenges. The current crisis has impacted 23 out... Read More >>>

  • Earth Day Reflection: Prayer for the Global South and Climate Justice

    Today, on World Earth Day, we are reminded of the vital call to protect God's creation and ensure the well-being of all its... Read More >>>

Faith2Share Prayer Campaign 16-23 April 2016

Faith2Share Prayer Campaign 2016

This is our third prayer campaign - designed to celebrate with our members, supporters and partners the global flow of prayer for mission across the Faith2Share network. We encourage you to join us here in prayer for the next eight days.

Prayer is at the heart of everything we do in Faith2Share. It is the sure foundation of mission. As we work with our members and partners around the world, every day we hear how prayer changes things – doors are suddenly opened, health is restored and lives are changed. Please join us in prayerful unity to celebrate mission across the globe.

Our prayer campaign this year coincides with the 2016 Faith2Share Leadership Consultation in Bangalore, India, from 17–22 April on the theme of Transforming Communities Together – building effective partnerships in mission leadership for global impact.

Bangalore Leadership consultation

We feel so blessed to be able to host this event, with many of our friends and colleagues attending. Like the 16 previous Leadership Consultations we have held since 2000, our focus is on learning from each other, fellowship, prayer and the leading of God's Holy Spirit as we go forward in mission. Your prayers will uphold us in this.

Prayer requests will be posted daily on:

A PDF of the entire Prayer Campaign text is available: download here

Click on the dates below for your daily prayer guide

Prayer is at the heart of everything we do in Faith2Share. It is the sure foundation of mission.

Looking Back to Go Forward

At our recent board meeting concluding last financial year, we thanked God for His faithfulness over the past year. Despite many challenges, we continue to support a network of mission and church organisations, many of which operate in challenging parts of the Global South.In 2023-2024, Faith2Share engaged with over 150 church and mission leaders worldwide. Recognising the cost burden of international travel we have made a conscious decision to build on the online experience gained through the pandemic and continue...

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Reflecting on Eid al-Fitr and Recent Events

As Eid al-Fitr has just concluded, marking the end of Ramadan, we at Faith2Share extend our thoughts to our Muslim neighbors and to our Christian members working in predominantly Muslim countries. This year, the convergence of Ramadan with both Christian and Orthodox Lent created a unique period of spiritual significance for over half the world's population. In these challenging times of global unrest, economic uncertainty, and widespread suffering, this shared season of prayer and reflection took on added importance. We are deeply...

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