The work of Faith2Share is all about global discipleship for a changing world.
We have a particular commitment to facilitating ‘depth’ or ‘whole-life’ discipleship within our member movements. In recent years this includes a number of depth discipleship consultations in different regions and increased focus on discipleship within several of our member agencies.
The Depth Discipleship programme generated a lot of interest across the network and after holding three consultations (2012-2013) we were invited to come to Nepal in 2014 - to help church and mission leaders develop and retain a clear focus on Christian discipleship in their daily life. You can read more about these consultations in our resource area.
Faith2Share offered a Depth Discipleship consultation for 30 leaders from six different regions across Nepal and from different denominations (offered in their own language). Using the training, materials and models they had received, they were able to adapt and offer a similar training event for different language groups in a remote part of the country – mostly using their own resources.
The best decision anyone can ever make, at any point in life, in any circumstances, whoever they are, wherever they are, whatever they are, is to become a disciple of Jesus Christ. There is no better decision for a human being in this life, any human being.
The discipleship formula, shown below, demonstrates our long standing vision to impact the lives of people across many different cultures - developing global Christian discipleship, leadership and faith for a changing world.
As a network organisation we have a passion for collaboration - not competition. We enjoy working in partnership with other networks and mission movements who have the same heart for mission and discipleship - because everything we do is focused around sharing faith and changing lives.
Faith2Share helped me to meet with other leaders in Bangkok and Addis Ababa. They taught me how to collaborate with others for effectiveness in mission.