Global discipleship for a changing world

COLLABORATION - We enable effective collaboration between organisations, focusing on key mission issues and opportunities.

Mission movements are the priority of Faith2Share with a focus on accompanying, mentoring, consulting and resourcing of mission leaders. Enabling effective collaboration between organisations drives the network forward. Our impact is so much greater when we focus on key mission issues and opportunities - demonstrating what working together can achieve:

  • Building trust and understanding between senior leaders of mission movements and challenging them to actively collaborate in mission.
  • Providing opportunities and systems for the effective sharing of mission resources between member agencies and within the wider mission community.
  • Encouraging the establishment of, and then to partner with and support, new and emerging mission movements.

  • Faith2Share's role is to encourage collaboration, to facilitate ways of connecting so that opportunities for working together in mission can emerge and grow. The stories of partnership that have the biggest impact are so often those taking place quietly behind the scenes.

    God works together with those who love him to bring about what is good - with those who have been called according to his purpose.

    Romans 8:28

    We particularly encourage forms of collaboration and mission partnerships that challenge the systems, relationships and attitudes of dependency that still persist to this day. We celebrate when we see organisations connecting who have not had the opportunities to learn from each other before:

    • In Odisha, India, the leader of a smaller mission agency asked a senior mission leader from Kenya to act as his mentor, after meeting at a Faith2Share event. There has already been a visit to Odisha where training was also given to 50 other local leaders – particularly focusing on mission in the context of persecution and poverty.

    • Faith2Share connected mission workers in India and Nepal with a Nigerian Church willing to part-fund international mission workers. A number of agreements have now been made which has multiplied and strengthened the impact of local Christian mission workers across the global South.

    As a leader of one of the larger mission networks, I commend the coming together of Global South and Global North mission movements within the Faith2Share network for the effective extension of God’s kingdom.

    Dr K Rajendran, Former WEA Mission Commission Leadership (2008-2022)

    Wait Upon the Lord

    In times of challenge, God often teaches us profound lessons through unexpected circumstances. The global pandemic brought many such lessons, but perhaps none more significant than the value of patience in ministry work. At Faith2Share, we've seen firsthand how this divine virtue, when coupled with careful planning and trust in God's timing, can lead to renewal and positive outcomes. Our journey of patient ministry bore fruit recently in Pakistan. Building on the success of our 2022 Discipleship Consultation in Lahore, we...

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    Reflecting on a Year of Conflict: Prayers for Peace in the Middle East

    As we mark the first anniversary of the devastating conflict between Israel, Gaza and now Lebanon and the wider Middle East, Faith2Share joins our members and others to reflect on a year marked by profound loss and suffering in the region. We mourn for the lives torn apart and for the wounds that remain open, on all sides. Many among us have connections to this region, and we stand with them, praying for an end to the violence that...

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