Global discipleship for a changing world

Read the latest edition of our newsletter Missionet.

Faith2Share Welcomes New Regional Coordinator for Africa

Faith2Share is delighted to announce the appointment of Capt. Bernard Irungu as our new Regional Coordinator for Africa. Based in Nairobi, Kenya, Bernard will play a key role in strengthening Faith2Share’s coordination efforts among our network members across the continent, with a particular focus on Kenya, where several of our members are located.We warmly welcome Capt. Irungu to the Faith2Share team and look forward to the impact he will bring to our network and the wider mission community. About Capt. Bernard...

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Faith2Share Members Gather in Kenya for Prayer, Fellowship, and Collaboration

On Saturday, 23 November, Faith2Share members and partners in Kenya came together for an inspiring day of prayer, fellowship, and mutual sharing. The gathering not only provided a space for updates and meaningful conversations but also played a pivotal role in shaping the ongoing discussion around the future direction and development of the Faith2Share network. The spirit of commitment to mission and a genuine desire to work collaboratively were evident throughout the day. Members shared updates on their work, exchanged ideas,...

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Discovering Whole-Life Discipleship: A Young Leader's Story

At a recent Faith2Share's discipleship consultation in Islamabad, Asad experienced something transformative for his ministry. As a youth leader passionate about community outreach, he arrived excited yet unsure of what to expect. The energy and enthusiasm of other participants from diverse backgrounds immediately drew him in, and he quickly felt a deep connection with others committed to making faith relevant in everyday life. Over three days, Asad absorbed insights from dynamic local speakers, who emphasized the importance of integrating faith into...

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Wait Upon the Lord

In times of challenge, God often teaches us profound lessons through unexpected circumstances. The global pandemic brought many such lessons, but perhaps none more significant than the value of patience in ministry work. At Faith2Share, we've seen firsthand how this divine virtue, when coupled with careful planning and trust in God's timing, can lead to renewal and positive outcomes. Our journey of patient ministry bore fruit recently in Pakistan. Building on the success of our 2022 Discipleship Consultation in Lahore, we...

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Returning to Islamabad: Discipleship Consultation Focuses on Workplace Faith

Last week Faith2Share was honoured to be invited to facilitate a Discipleship Consultation in Islamabad, Pakistan, as a follow-up to the successful consultation held in Lahore two years earlier, continuing our engagement with Christian leaders in the region.The main focus for this year’s consultation was Discipleship in the Workplace, a vital area as Christians navigate the challenges of integrating faith into professional life. We have also looked into what is means to be a disciple within the context of a...

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Amidst Global Turmoil, Olympic Spirit Reminds Us of Our Shared Humanity

As the 2024 Summer Olympic Games take place, the people of the world are drawn to a spectacle of unity and peaceful competition. A reminder of our shared humanity. Yet against this backdrop regional conflicts continue without pause. While media focuses on the devastating situations in Gaza and Ukraine, it is crucial to remember the many other conflicts that often slip from the headlines but continue to inflict immeasurable human suffering. In Sudan, an internal conflict causing a humanitarian crisis of...

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Reflecting on Eid al-Fitr and Recent Events

As Eid al-Fitr has just concluded, marking the end of Ramadan, we at Faith2Share extend our thoughts to our Muslim neighbors and to our Christian members working in predominantly Muslim countries. This year, the convergence of Ramadan with both Christian and Orthodox Lent created a unique period of spiritual significance for over half the world's population. In these challenging times of global unrest, economic uncertainty, and widespread suffering, this shared season of prayer and reflection took on added importance. We are deeply...

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Faith2Share: Facilitating Connections in Cairo

Recently, Faith2Share had the privilege of participating as an observer and facilitator at a significant gathering of Christian organisations in Cairo, Egypt. Several key events took place across various locations, including St. Mark's Conference Centre and All Saints' Cathedral (pictured), bringing together diverse representatives from the Global South to discuss, learn, and develop practical solutions to take back to their home countries. These iconic locations provided a fitting backdrop for discussions on the wider global Church stage.This gathering in Cairo...

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Prayer Support for East Africa Amidst the Flood Crisis

As relentless rains wreak havoc across East Africa, our brothers and sisters face unprecedented challenges. The current crisis has impacted 23 out of Kenya’s 47 counties, resulting in catastrophic flooding that has destroyed infrastructure, submerged farmlands, and displaced thousands. Homes are underwater, and vital food crops have been swept away, leaving many in dire need. In Tanzania, the devastation continues, with floods claiming at least 58 lives and displacing 126,000 individuals. The floods have also decimated over 75,000 farms, severely impacting...

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Earth Day Reflection: Prayer for the Global South and Climate Justice

Today, on World Earth Day, we are reminded of the vital call to protect God's creation and ensure the well-being of all its inhabitants. It is crucial to acknowledge the challenges faced by countries in the Majority World that are often disproportionately affected by the adverse impacts of climate change. Despite contributing minimally to global emissions, Countries and regions in the Global South often bear the brunt of climate change, with rising temperatures and changing weather patterns threatening their way of life...

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Concluding 30 Days of Prayer for Muslims, Looking Ahead to 5 Days of Prayer for Sikhs

As Ramadan and the annual Christian 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World comes to a close, Faith2Share reflects on the power of prayer to bring people of different faiths together. For over 30 years, this annual prayer initiative and guide has inspired Christians worldwide to learn about, love, and pray for their Muslim neighbours. There are nearly 2 billion Muslims in the world, and like Christians, many are living in struggling countries with ethnic, political and religious challenges...

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The Way of the Cross

As we are travelling through the Holy Week, we are reminded by the Scriptures of the ultimate sacrifice that Christ did for us, and we hear from many of our members and partners about the cost of following in Christ's ways today. There are so many people in so many locations that are facing immense suffering, often forgotten by the world media, and we might feel helpless at times to do anything but pray. But we remember that after Good...

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Renewing our Partnership with Myanmar

As part of its mission to support leadership development, Faith2Share recently provided a small grant for Hung Ling and his daughter Lisa from Myanmar to attend the Church Multiplication Connection conference held in Singapore in January 2024. The event, organized by the Centre for Global Missions in Singapore brought together church planters, scholars, and Christians from across Asia. The conference allowed attendees to learn from the experiences of church multiplication efforts in various contexts in countries such as Thailand and...

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Regional Fellowship Fuels India's Mission Movements

Faith2Share recently hosted a virtual Regional Fellowship Meeting to engage with and support Indian members facing challenging times, including upcoming national elections. This gathering exemplifies our commitment to facilitating collaboration that advances the Christian faith by resourcing mission agencies worldwide. The meeting convened leading church and ministry leaders from across India's diverse regions. Despite growing government restrictions, resource shortages, and funding difficulties, the representatives celebrated encouraging stories of successful mission outreach and evangelistism, including bringing new believers to the faith. These...

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Faith2Share: Emerging Stronger with Renewed Commitment

In the face of global upheavals, including the COVID-19 pandemic and economic strains, Faith2Share has not just endured but is now poised with a rejuvenated commitment to its mission. The pandemic thrust us headlong into the digital age, overhauling communication and collaboration. Emerging from the chaos, new trials loomed with soaring costs and energy woes. Yet Faith2Share adapted, emerging leaner and more focused, poised to build a formidable foundation for the future's challenges. "We've navigated through tough times, but our commitment to...

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Prayer Day - March 17th 2020. Connect with us on Zoom for 1 hour

We hereby kindly remind you of the ‘Digital Prayer Day’ that is scheduled for March 17, 2020. This event is a follow-up from the email correspondence from Revd Bob Wilkes, the Chair of Faith2Share Trustees, that some of you have received and it is also the first opportunity to connect to the network – especially as due to calendar constraints and other challenges we had to postpone the regular Faith2Share Leadership Consultation to next year, 15-19 March 2021. As the...

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Successful Discipleship Consultation in Rwanda

Following a successful Whole-Life Discipleship consultation held within the Diocese of Byumba, Rwanda in February 2018 and the impact across the diocese, other church leaders within Rwanda started to show an interest in the training. Faith2Share had to respond to this request very quickly as the window for creating gatherings was very limited. Between September 24th-26th 2019 the consultation took place with 30 key leaders from different denominations in Muhanga (central Rwanda). It is a glowing testimony to the grace of...

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Open the Floodgates of Heaven

There is always more joy when things are running smoothly. We have been delighted for the good times in 2019, and we are grateful to God for all of them! However, sometimes it feels different, maybe even tougher. Faith can be tested more than we would like.We look back and see the Lord in all we have been involved in, yet, for Faith2Share, 2019 has been a year of struggle as well as a year blessing. This is not a...

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Working Together in D. R. Congo

At the end of last year, Faith2Share brought together representatives from a number of mission agencies for a consultation in Kampala, Uganda. We’re delighted to report that this gathering resulted in a joint initiative between Faith2Share members SOMA UK and Church Army Africa who recently held leadership training together in D.R. Congo. The training programme was led by Capt. Joel Soti (Church Army Africa) and Canon Don Brewin (now Canon of Boga, D. R. Congo) with the participation of Bishop...

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Casting Lots In Rwanda

In rural Rwanda two groups of people gather together. Gradually, they cast lots and someone from the smaller group forms a little team with three people from the larger group. They embrace one another, smile African smiles and take photos with their mobile phones. What’s happening?This is the climax of Faith2Share’s recent Whole-Life Discipleship Programme in Rwanda but none of the Faith2Share staff had planned it this way. The participants themselves had chosen a cultural expression of ‘blood brothers’ –...

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Praying for Rain - and Peace - in Congo

On a visit to our office today, Bishop Desire and Mrs Claudaline Mukanirwa (Anglican Church of Congo) told us about their work in peace-making and reconciliation in D. R. Congo. Even though many rural areas are unsafe, in January Bishop Desire put his faith in God and travelled to villages near Goma for a 10-day mission focusing on peace and reconciliation. The mission included visiting prisoners and those sick in hospital, a football match uniting members of different tribes and...

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Children’s Centres Grow Rapidly

Faith2Share’s newest member, Manna Mission, is seeing rapid growth in its provision of Education and Development Centres for Children in West Bengal. Two years ago the charity had one centre with 20 children. Today Manna Mission runs 50 centres with a total of 1,500 children.The centres cater holistically for the children’s development. In addition to schooling, programmes include singing, prayer, stories, health education, drawing, dance and games. The centres build close relationships with local communities and the children’s families.Manna Mission...

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Religious Teacher Healed, Redeemed

S*, a religious teacher from the Chamar caste in Bihar, India, met with a serious accident in 2016, injuring his head, legs and hands. When he regained consciousnessness, he was lying in hospital surrounded by his family. He remained bedridden for three months but a church pastor came to his house, shared the gospel and prayed for him. He was healed the same day and able to walk again. He believed in Christ and started to attend church. After seeing...

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Where do you live?

Bishop Zac Nirigiye gave the keynote address at Faith2Share’s recent Whole-life Discipleship Consultation in Kampala, Uganda, focusing on the question, “Where do you live?” It is important to take seriously the place where we live, delegates were reminded, because discipleship does not happen in a vaccum. “What are the problems facing the people who live where you live? What do you do there?” the Bishop asked.Bishop Zac said that it was when he paid attention to where he lived that...

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Manna Mission Joins Faith2Share

Faith2Share is delighted to announce that Manna Mission has joined our network. Manna Mission has its roots in a work of God’s Spirit when hundreds of people in West Bengal came to know and follow Jesus Christ.The members of Manna Mission serve Jesus Christ and their neighbours in a wide range of inspiring ministries. “It’s shocking to know how many children [in West Bengal] do not have proper food, clothes and shelter,” writes Founder-President of Manna Mission Tushar Manna. The...

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Sunbursts of Light

“Young, adventurous, and naïvely confident in the promises of God, AFM missionaries Norman and Beth Beale launched out into the utter darkness of western Nepal," writes Rev. Chris Royer, Executive Director of Faith2Share member Anglican Frontier Missions. "Over time, God put the Western Tamang people upon their hearts, people who 1,994 years after the birth of Jesus Christ were still waiting for missionaries to come tell them about the True Light of the world. While they lived in a...

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Boy-children in Jamaica

"Boy-child issues - that's what we need to talk about." This was the focus which emerged when Faith2Share International Director, Mark Oxbrow, led a discipleship consultation in Jamaica last month. Mark's work with partners in Asia had often focused on 'girl-child' issues but Jamaican participants wanted to discuss the churches' response to "boy-children". Absentee fathers, a gang culture, the social acceptance of marijuana and the flow of guns from the USA all make it very difficult for boys to develop...

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Bitten by a cobra

P*, from an illiterate and very poor family in Bihar, India, followed folk religion including witchcraft. One day she was suffering from a high fever, so she went to witchdoctors for healing. But there was no improvement, and the fever continued for several days. A local pastor then visited her house and told her about Jesus Christ. The pastor asked her to remove the religious amulet she was wearing and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. She removed it...

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A Lifeline for the Hopeless

A* is from a Muslim background in East Africa and put his trust in Christ three years ago. Because of his new-found faith, he began to face persecution, was criticised and disowned by his family. Local Christians gave him accommodation but then he faced further hardship when he fell sick and doctors diagnosed a heart problem requiring surgery. A* was referred to a specialist in a neighbouring country. On his arrival, a Faith2Share contact gave him accommodation. The cardiologist told...

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Compassion for the Rohingya

In recent months hundreds of thousands of Rohingya have fled Myanmar seeking refuge in Bangladesh. Facing a huge challenge, NGOs and the government of Bangladesh are struggling to help the refugees survive in extremely difficult conditions. A Faith2Share contact in Bangladesh has sent word that God has enabled them to assist some 1,200 Rohingya families. Please pray for the Rohingya and those seeking to offer them support and compassion.Image: Tasnim News Agency

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Salvation Through An Asian Tea Shop

H* was born in an Orthodox Muslim family in South Asia, writes the Faith2Share contact there. He followed the customs and rituals of Islam but his mind was not at peace. He admitted to having a bad character which made him concerned about what would happen to him after death. At times he drank and smoked to drown out his worries. One day H* was given a book by a young man he met in a tea stall....

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Graveyard of Missions No More

BORN Christian Church (a member of Faith2Share) is reaching out to mostly Hindu-background people and Dalits in Bihar, one of the poorest states in North India. Bihar was once known as the "graveyard of missions" but now the faithful service of generations of missionaries is bearing fruit as large numbers respond to the Gospel of Christ. A group of new believers recently travelled to Bihar from the neighbouring state where there is more restriction on following Christianity and they were...

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Living To Share Faith

Faith2Share's Global Leadership Consultation, is now in full swing. 70 mission leaders from many different mission agencies around the world have gathered in Chiang Mai, Thailand, to encourage each other and explore how they can work together to make whole-life disciples of Jesus Christ.Addressing a retreat for senior mission leaders, Bishop Hwai Teik Ong suggested that gospel ministers can often place fidelity in mission before intimacy with God. Activity is therefore reduced simply to work rather than being an expression...

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Hope Dawns As The Floods Subside

‘We are here to offer this support from the church to everyone, regardless of creed.’ The community workers had come with vital supplies of rice to help those affected by the terrible floods in Nepal. Many people were experiencing hardship, without food or clothes. The local community’s misconceptions about the church were broken down by this act of compassion. Sometimes it is difficult to understand how God is at work in the context of natural disasters but two local families...

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Discovering The Polite God

Paul was from a non-Christian family but, when his schoolteacher explained the basics of the Christian faith, he was struck by Jesus Christ’s forgiveness for those who crucified Him. This lesson, given by a nominal Christian as part of a history course, was the beginning of an amazing journey of faith. Jesus was not threatening or unpredictable; rather, He was loving and polite.As Paul pondered what he was learning about the God of Jesus Christ, he decided to engage in...

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A Borehole and a breakthrough

A mission leader with Faith2Share member NAMS network recently wrote a remarkable report about their ministry in India, combining compassionate development work and supernatural breakthrough.The ministry team had completed a borehole several months earlier. As a result, attitudes in the village changed towards local Christians. Persecution decreased, church members had more opportunities to share their story and a large number of people came to church.N* had been practising witchcraft and people travelled long distances for his occult services. His house...

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A Bright Light and A Little Girl

R* lives in a rural village in northern India, where he runs a small shop. He wanted to know the one, true God. He went to many temples, mosques and other religious places in search of the living God. But he never found Him, nor did he find satisfaction in his spirit. He had a dream of a shining light appeared in his room saying, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life.’ The light disappeared and he awoke...

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Shouting for Joy

Aaiza's* husband was in a rage. He held her up against the wall and pressed a knife into her throat. Afterwards she realised she couldn’t speak - he had damaged her vocal cords. Four months later she was still mute. Then she had a dream, about someone she had met once in church when she was registering for aid. She felt God was telling her to go and see this person. So she knocked on the door of the church...

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Restoring Fatherhood in Rwanda

Many Rwandans are still suffering from the legacy of the genocide with widespread trauma, depression and a large number of widows and orphans. However, as Bishop Emmanuel Ngendahayo of Byumba Diocese recently explained on a visit to our office, the Church is at work building hope and restoring families.Rwandan women are often responsible for collecting firewood, carrying water and caring for children while the male members of the community fail to play an active role. The Fathers’ Union has been...

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Growing the Next Generation in Tanzania

With almost half a billion children in Africa, the future of the African church is dependent upon teaching the gospel faithfully to this generation. Andy Bennet of Faith2Share member CMS Australia is involved in an exciting initiative to teach the Bible to thousands of secondary students in Tanzania.Half the population of Tanzania is under the age of fifteen. Christianity is growing but there is an urgent need for faithful Bible teaching. Young Tanzanians are increasingly influenced by secularism and misguided...

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Focus on Discipleship in North India

" As we look around our churches here in North India we are painfully aware of how much we have failed to help our people to be disciples." confessed the Moderator of the Church of North India (CNI) at the opening of last week's Faith2Share consultation with the CNI in Delhi, India. Bishop Pradeep Kumar Samantaroy went on to welcome the initiative of the global Anglican Communion for a nine year focus on "Intentional Discipleship". In his opening address he...

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Senior Official Baptised, Accused, Vindicated, Promoted

A senior official in a ‘closed’ Asian country* faced a challenge beyond his political influence: his daughter was losing her sight and the doctors could do nothing for her. Then a man in white robes appeared to her: ‘You will get better and attend two art schools.’ The official reflected that the ‘man in white robes’ sounded rather like Jesus. The daughter got her sight back and, just as the man in white had told her, attended two art schools....

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International Provision Through a Basket of Vegetables

A couple from a poor Mexican context work for a Faith2Share member in the Middle East. Recently, they were worried about their supervisor’s visit because they lacked the money to show him around properly. Out of the blue they received a mobile phone message, ‘Check your bank account’. They were amazed to find a deposit which exactly covered their needs. God’s provision had come about through humbling sacrifice thousands of miles away. God had spoken to an old woman scraping...

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Witchcraft Doesn't Work!

‘We think witchcraft doesn’t work!’ said local people who had been seeking to oppose the ministry of a Faith2Share member movement through witchcraft. In this area which is, at most 1% Christian, the gospel work had developed when men from the community said, ‘We would like to hear more teaching about God. Are you going to stay and teach?’ In addition, the community lacked local schools: ‘Our children don’t go to school. Will you bring a school to our area?’...

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Fabric of Dreams - Ecuador

Just outside the city of Quito, Ecuador, is Carmen Bajo, a small, low-to-no-income area. An education centre serves the community and here Leah Darling (Faith2Share member SAMS) has found her vocation teaching sewing to local women.‘Those I taught shared their dreams and passion to start their own business one day,’ said Leah. ‘My students had little to no sewing skills when we began, but by the end of the seventh week, each one walked away with a bag that they...

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Community Transformation in Kenya

Imagine going to a school without books, pencils or a desk. This is what Lucy Chaves of Faith2Share member SAMS USA witnessed at Uymoa School in Kenya two years ago. ‘It was the worst-performing school in the region,’ she said. The students were in tattered clothes and went to school without breakfast or lunch. But Lucy knew the Lord was calling her to help. Farmers in the local community were mobilised and a feeding programme developed to provide lunch for...

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Loving Words for a War-Torn Country

‘We need to respect others and approach them sensitively, ready to listen but always ready to share the unique reality of Jesus Christ’, said one of the participants of this week’s Faith2Share Whole-life discipleship consultation in Sri Lanka. On an island with bitter memories of the recent civil war nobody wants to rock the boat but they also have a story to tell about God’s power to change situations. That story needs to be told with sensitivity so that Buddhist,...

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Latin America largest Christian continent

2014 was the year when Latin America became the largest Christian continent, passing Europe (including Russia) for the first time.* However, Africa is predicted to take first place and by 2050 Asia will also have overtaken Europe.This means that in 2017 65% of the Christian family lives in the "Global South" and by 2050 this will rise to 76%. This statistic underlines very clearly the vital importance of the work we are engaged in through the Faith2Share network to strengthen...

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Apprenticeship: Gateway to Ministry

Faith2Share member iServe Africa runs a leadership development programme for new graduates. At the heart of this programme is apprenticeship: a model of training which aims to help young Christians develop a deeper understanding of the gospel, mission and ministry through placements in a church or Christian organisation.Peter Muturi Kimotho is a second year apprentice at St Helen’s Church in London and he reflects on his time with iServe.The iServe apprenticeship has, he says, completely changed his view of life...

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Wounds that heal

It is not only in the first century that Christians were stoned for their faith. A missionary of Faith2Share member agency Mekane Yesus International Mission Society (MYIMS) in Ethiopia was recently stoned and then imprisoned when a family he had befriended came to faith in Jesus. But the story does not end there. After the stonning some of the members of the mob regreted what they had done. The missionary was recovering at the church after his attack and time...

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Building Bridges Around Campfires

North America has an astounding 361 unreached people groups and a Faith2Share member agency is working with one of these communities. K.* told us how she had been spending time with immigrants who own a local shop. K.’s friend S.* now trusts her enough to leave her with the shop while she runs errands. K. was fascinated to see how her friend opened up to her on a visit to a lakeside holiday home. As they sat around the campfire...

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Pray for Growth - And God Will Answer!

Faith2Share supports mission leaders around the world, working through collaboration to help increase their effectiveness in disciple-making. It was exciting to meet Rev. Capt. Patience Wanzala, Principal of Carlile College, Kenya at our offices this week and to hear about how God has developed her leadership capacity.Patience’s first appointment at Carlile College was as a tutor. Then, in 2015, she became Dean of Studies, responsible for helping her students develop into the leaders God wants them to be. While in...

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50 Years and Thousands Transformed

Faith2Share joins our Indian member Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB) in praising God for His faithfulness over 50 years!On 9 June 1967 five brave pioneers began their ministry in Periyamalai (Dharmapuri District), marking the beginning of this indigenous mission movement.Writing on the golden anniversary FMPB President John Samuel thanked the Lord, ‘for this God-ordained movement, which has raised thousands of believers … across India … This is an occasion to celebrate that the Lord has enabled us to establish more...

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Love and Kindness Replace Violence in Cambodia

‘I had never known how to care for my children before. But now I feel they are very important and need great care. Previously, I had been violent but today I am making a change – from now on love and kindness must prevail.’ This statement came from one of the fathers at a Parenting Workshop run by Faith2Share member Asian Outreach Cambodia (AOC). ‘Along with the sixty parents in Tameng Village, we prayed laughed and enjoyed each other’s...

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Interview with Archbishop Justin

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby was interviewed by Faith2Share member Church Mission Society member Church Mission Society interviewed Archbishop Justin about Thy Kingdom Come - a global wave of prayer for more people to come to know Jesus. The campaign stretches from Ascension to Pentecost (25 May to 4 June).What’s the vision for Thy Kingdom Come?After Jesus ascended into heaven, the disciples went to Jerusalem and prayed for the coming of the Holy Spirit. The vision behind Thy Kingdom Come...

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Every church that does not do mission must close

The recent Francophone Africa Consultation (CRAF 2017) provided ample evidence that God is challenging the church to commit herself more deeply to mission and discipleship in francophone Africa. Faith2Share was delighted to be represented there by Captain Timothy Mazimpaka (Church Army), who reported on the following highlights:Mission in the Local Church (Younoussa Djao)Mission is what God does to bring human beings to Himself. Every church that does not do mission must close. The purpose of man in God’s mission agenda...

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Doctors’ strike in Kenya ended through church arbitration

Kenya’s health system was paralysed by a 100-day strike by doctors over pay and conditions. The government was unable to resolve the dispute and a trusted intermediary was required so the church was called in to arbitrate. Both the Anglican Church of Kenya and the Catholic Church played a vital role in bringing about a solution, explained Rev. John Mark Oduor, Provincial Director of Missions for the Anglican Church of Kenya, during today’s visit to our offices.Rev. Oduor told us...

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Gift of Life Empowers Kurdish Christians

Working against a backdrop of civil unrest and religious persecution, a team of Bible translators has completed the first ever translation of the whole Bible into the Central Kurdish Sorani language. Joel and Ruth Hammond*, mission partners with Faith2Share member Church Mission Society, have been part of the translation team for the last eight years.Now six million native Sorani speakers will be able to hear and read the Bible in their own language for the first time. The whole translation...

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The Fruit of Faithfulness

One of the joys of the Faith2Share network is to hear inspiring stories from our members and partners, who often work in some of the most challenging locations. Last week Bisoke Balikenga (pictured with Nicki, Faith2Share Administrator), visited our office and told us about his ministry in Eastern Congo, especially in the areas of peace-building and the empowerment of women and young people. It was humbling to hear how Bisoke, a local partner of Faith2Share member Church Mission Society, is...

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What Value A Life?

On a sunny Wednesday afternoon in March, three members of the public and one policeman were killed in Westminster, London. At almost exactly the same time 237 people, most believed to be civilians, died when the US-led coallition bombed a building in al-Jadida, a western suburb of Mosul, and neighbouring areas, in Iraq. The number of people who died of starvation and drought in East Africa and from conflict in South Sudan and DR Congo on that Wednesday is not...

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The Cost of Discipleship in Egypt

The cost of following Christ in the Middle East and North Africa was once more underlined with the savage bombing on Sunday of Coptic Christians in Egpyt. Two separate explosions targeted St George’s Coptic church in Tanta and St Mark’s Coptic church in Alexandria on a day when worshippers were celebrating the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. The BBC reported that as many as 44 people were killed in the attacks, including several police officers.In a statement Bishop...

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Whole-life disciples in Sri Lanka

Still recovering from a civil war, Sri Lanka is in need of disciples who follow Christ in every area of their life. Following very successful consultations in North India and Nepal, Faith2Share has been invited by local Christian leaders to bring our tried-and-tested discipleship programme to Sri Lanka.‘We don’t just make converts and leave them but we should also ensure that they are disciples.’ Depth Discipleship Participant, Ghana'From now, I will focus on a few people and model them after...

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Global Outreach Day

In Ghana, 741,150 people professed faith in Christ.In the Dominican Republic people were healed of Aids.In Nepal the national team was prepared for action even before the earthquake came.All this - and much more - happened on one day, the Global Outreach Day, an event which is organized on the last Saturday in May every year.This year more than 8 million Christians have already committed to sharing the gospel on 27 May 2017. In the past, 25 million Christians have...

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Dignity through tailoring

Married at fourteen to an eighteen-year-old, Rai lives in the slums by the Bagamati River. She was among five women who enrolled in a tailoring training programme started by Faith2Share member the National Mission Commission of Nepal. After her husband met with a serious accident on a building site, only Rai’s father-in-law is currently able to work, which is a real challenge for this family of seven. Rai says, ‘I want to learn tailoring and start a small shop...

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Muslims drawn to Jesus through prayer

Taking the Gospel out onto the streets can be an uncomfortable prospect but, for eight years, a small team from our church in Harrow has been praying for healing and sharing the gospel with our neighbours. We set up Healing on the Streets out of a sense of urgency as we realised that what we did in the building would not touch the majority of people walking past. If they would never come in, we needed to get...

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Corn, Prizes and Sunday School

Lun Sokly starts her day by riding her old bike to school. Sokly lives in Cambodia with her 65 year-old grandmother while her parents work in Thailand. Sokly earns $1 per day peeling the skin off corn but she is passionate about her schoolwork. Every month she wins a prize and is top of her class (year 9 or eighth grade). Sokly wants to be a teacher when she grows up: ‘I love children and want them to avoid drugs....

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First Arab Anglican Bishop for North Africa

In a moving ceremony at All Saints Cathedral, Cairo, on 27 February, Archbishop Mouneer Hanna Anis consecrated Rev. Samy Fawzy Shehata as the first Arab Anglican area bishop for North Africa.Bishop Samy succeeds Bishop Bill Musk, who had presided over the diocese encompassing Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya since 2008.The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, sent his congratulations and praised the Diocese of Egypt for its role as a bridge between Muslims and Christians as well as between the various Christian...

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Soaking Up God’s Word Like a Dry Sponge

‘I’ve been waiting my whole life to hear this!’ exclaimed Mika, clapping her hands, when she read in the Bible about God’s unconditional love.Mika had hit rock bottom when she first stepped through the doors of the church in Japan. She had grown up in a household with domestic violence, leaving her with no real sense of ‘home’. Her own marriage had failed and her strict Buddhism left her feeling lost and guilty.All Mika knew about the Christian faith was...

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Dentistry and Forest Conservation – What’s the Link?

Romanna gives discounted dental treatment to people in an East Asian rain forest provided they agree to stop logging. In this way, the NGO co-founded by Romanna promotes both the poor villagers’ healthcare and their natural resources – the precious forest. Romanna is committed to caring for the whole person and has used this opportunity to show God’s love amongst the Muslim villagers. This is just one of four Asian women in mission profiled by Lee Loun-Ling (pictured) of...

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Donkey Work for God

‘I’ve learnt that missionary work is not just about preaching and teaching the Bible alone’ says Okiki of Faith2Share member iServe Africa, ‘There is also donkey work i.e. weeding, spraying crops, tilling the land, sowing, repairing punctures, etc., to instil a work ethic into the community … Here, work is viewed as a bad thing and the men would rather sit down under a tree for the whole week, playing the same games.’Okiki therefore models hard work to demonstrate the...

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Planting Seeds of Peace in South Asia

Adam was visiting a village in South Asia when he noticed something unusual. Adam was giving out sweets to the local children and a young girl was making sure that the younger ones also had their share. This is counter-cultural behaviour where the attitude tends to be, ‘If it comes to you, God gave it. Take it.’ Surprised, Adam asked the girl why she was sharing.‘I learned it in my school,’ she replied.‘How?’ he asked.‘It is in the teachings of...

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The Joy of Reading

'I am happy to have discovered this centre to learn to read and write' says a grateful graduate from a Congolese literacy centre. 'I can now read the Bible and understand the word of God in order to grow spiritually. I am trying to convince others to learn to read and write because it is important for social and spiritual life. Besides, it was through that literacy centre that I received Jesus as Lord and Saviour because we are taught...

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Victims of Rape in D.R. Congo Find Comfort

'I was raped by militiamen and then rejected by my husband and family.' said one of many female victims of sexual violence in D.R. Congo. 'The training I received in tailoring has helped me to take control of my situation. I praise God for the spiritual comfort I received through local Christians. Now I feel more at ease because I am stable both spiritually and economically. Even without the support of a husband and wider family, I am able to...

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The Workplace is My Pulpit

Titus Oludotun Kumapayi of Faith2Share member Church of Nigeria Missionary Society writes, 'In 1991, during a training session at Haggai Institute in Singapore, I had the conviction not to take church ordination but to sit at my architectural table and use my training for evangelism, soul winning and discipleship. So in my office each day began with 30 minutes of prayer and Bible exposition. As the fellowship grew, some of the staff members came to me seeking counsel about their...

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Healing for Victims of Violence in D.R. Congo

It is well known that The Democratic Republic Congo has witnessed terrible armed conflict in recent years. But it is not generally understood that violence against women and girls, exacerbated by the fighting, has continued even after the end of hostilities.Sadly, some elements of traditional culture facilitate violence against women but Christians are involved in bringing hope and healing to victims.The Centre of Non-Violence for Reconciliation and Peace (CNVRP), a department of the Anglican Church in Congo, has organized training...

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Collaboration Key to Miraculous Transformation

'When our team first went to share the gospel with the people of Godo, Dankpen in Togo, the local people kept their distance' writes Ngozi of Faith2Share member Church of Nigeria Missionary Society. ‘A number of young people, however, came to listen and ask questions and 44 of them came to faith. They were mostly subsistence farmers. The men wore dirty, torn clothing while the women and children were virtually naked most of the time. They now testify to God’s...

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New hope for children at risk

“She is lost”“He is frightened”“They were beaten”“We were raped”Can you imagine how the parents must have felt when their children had been trafficked? Akhil had already been trafficked once. At the age of 15, he had left with an uncle to work in a bag factory in a distant city. He had been locked in a factory, expected to work 12-14 hour days, not fed enough and had suffered beatings. After 6 months, he had escaped without being paid a...

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How God opened my eyes to the poor

"For 20 years I had seen the same poverty in India," writes John, a Christian worker in India, "people living without shelter, clothes, shoes or food. The government does not provide but I was no better. Then, one morning, I opened my Bible and God took me by surprise. God spoke to me about caring for the poor and deprived. After that, I saw them everywhere I went because God had opened my eyes. I went to talk to them...

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Tourist Attractions and Gospel Opportunities

On a recent trip with friends to a well-known tourist attraction in India, M.*, a good friend of Faith2Share, began an interesting conversation with their Muslim driver. Their talk turned to faith and the driver shared his knowledge about Islam very enthusiastically. After listening to him quietly for a while, M. said, ‘You are extremely knowledgeable and I have perhaps learned some things from you today. But listen! God created us out of mud and breathed life into us so...

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Impossible Dream, Surprising Partnership

Karen* was drawn to mission from a very young age. She began to pray for an unreached people group at a student mission conference – the B* people. But how could the gospel ever reach these nomadic sheep herders? She prayed for them but it seemed like an impossible dream.Karen got married and began raising children but did not stop praying for the nomads God had put on her heart. She continued to pursue her interest in missions and attended...

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Working Hand In Hand

‘We need a youth leader for our church plant. We don’t have anyone available, and we wanted to know if David would be interested.’ asked Isabelle Wen, the pastor’s wife. ‘I was very interested indeed!’ says OMF’s David Jansen. He was thrilled to have the opportunity of working with a brand new group of mostly non-Christian young people.The youth group started and the atmosphere was … well … completely unstable at first. Weekly incidents included swearing, yelling, and even, occasionally,...

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Uncommon Grounds for Hope

The John’s* frustration was evident as he told his side of the story at the Uncommon Grounds café in Pennsylvania, writes Herb Bailey. He had used force against his girlfriend in a way he knew was wrong and had been put on probation. As he spoke, John calmed down and Bailey began to go beyond judging to understanding him – John’s lack of a role model in childhood but his desire to do better for his own children.Bailey met John...

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Christian Care for Migrants in Russia

Migration is a hot issue for politicians and societies around the world but Christians in many countries are showing practical compassion to immigrants. Every year large numbers of men from Central Asia move to Russia to find temporary work and support their families back home. These men often feel isolated but Russian Christians are caring for them and sharing the good news about Jesus. Pray that this work will be endorsed and strengthened at the Congress of Evangelical churches in...

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Have mission agencies adapted to the new realities?

The old ‘from the West to the rest’ model has given way to mission ‘from anywhere to everywhere.’ This is the scene set by Eldon Porter in a recent article for OMF International. There has been explosive growth in the majority world church, which is finding its own expressions of worship, community and mission and, ‘working in partnership is the norm.’ The global diaspora movement is a growing phenomenon, requiring a greater level of collaboration between agencies for effective ministry....

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An Unlikely Leader Emerges in Cambodia

Faith2Share and our members know the importance of Christian leadership and we were thrilled to read a recent report from Faith2Share member Asian Outreach Alliance (AOA) about their work with a local man in Cambodia. As a quiet and softly spoken middle-aged man, Yan Bunsan is not a typical Christian leader in his rural village. He wanted to get involved in ministry, but most of his peers said he was too quiet. Yan Bunsan was very disappointed but instead of...

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The Word of God bears fruit in India

An indigenous mission in West Bengal has recently distributed more than 2,000 bibles in the local language and now has 1,000 new contacts and 12 new preaching centres. They are reaching many rural villages which have no Christian witness. The mission, which has been in contact with Faith2Share for a number of years, and whose director has participated in our Leadership Consultations is also committed to holistic mission and has already set up 10 education and development centres for...

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Christian Care for Children in Myanmar

Faith2Share has contact with many Christian workers who quietly serve others in practical witness to Christ. In Myanmar, many tribal parents lack the resources to take care of their children’s basic needs. Rev. Martin Lalthangliana and Salai Manaai Cheng are just two of the local Christians who have responded by looking after these tribal children and giving them opportunities which they could otherwise never have experienced. Some of the children are cared for in purpose-built facilities while others are even...

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African Mission Thinkers Gather in Nairobi

Faith2Share’s Timothy Mazimpaka brought together a number of missionary practitioners and thinkers in Nairobi recently to consider theological frameworks for African mission. Dr. Aila Tasse underlined the need to empower church plants in pioneer contexts and discussed the influence of the fear of ‘the other’. Duncan Olumbe gave a historical overview of mission in Africa and posed the question of how current African mission should be documented. Olumbe also delivered a talk on the cost of collaboration while inviting delegates...

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Christian leaders gather in Central Asia

Today many Christian leaders from different parts of Central Asia have gathered in one (secure) location for a conference - Edge '17 - which will set the direction of their ministry for this new year. A large number of men and women who lead Christian communities in increasingly difficult situations are gathered from 2-8 January for prayer and praise, Bible study and consultation. They will be supported by others from nations outside the region to whom God has given a...

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The witness of Christian character

The following story was told recently by Global Teams, a member agency of Faith2Share who support Christian leaders coming from other faith backgrounds. "Adam is a clan leader in the B tribe [in South-east Asia]. Born into a Muslim family, his father sent him to live with local Christian missionaries as a boy to study English. The missionary told Adam's father that he would also teach Adam his faith, along with English, and the father agreed. Adam put his faith...

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Healthy Christmas

"Noel en Sante" has been the message that missionaries in Chad have been taking to the people of Domballa for the past few days. It means "Healthy Christmas". The missionaries from the Church of Nigeria Missionary Society (CNMS, part of the Anglican Church) planned this special programme to show that the Saviour whom we receive at Christmas brings us health and wholeness. During the programme local people received medical assistance, new clothes and soap, food assistance and textbooks for teaching...

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Well connected

"What will we teach them? We will love them in Christ Jesus. ... We will listen carefully to their stories and find ways to partner with them for the spread of God's kingdom. The gospel will be preached. Rising leaders will be identified and helped. The possibility of new works to spread the kingdom will be prayed over." This is how Manik Corea of NAMS Network describes his aspirations for a visit to Orisha in India. Manik will...

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Jesus - the gift of a dying man

Economic deprivation and spiritual vitality seem to go hand in hand in north east India. Faith2Share has for some time partnered with churches in the state of Mizoram who are sending mission workers to many places around the world. The states of Assam and Nagaland also have strong churches but in neighbouring Manipur there are large communities without any visible Christian witness. Faith2Share partner Phijam Singh, from Manipur, grew up in a Hindu family but was introduced to Jesus by...

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New Foundations for Growing Kenyan Ministry

Faith2Share member iServe Africa literally laid new foundations for a new phase in their growing ministry recently, with practical help and spiritual blessing from the Most Rev Dr Jackson N Ole Sapit. The ground-breaking ceremony was an important step in the expansion of this ministry under the visionary leadership of Harrison Mungai.iServe Africa offers university graduates one- and two-year training programmes focusing on servant leadership and faithful Bible teaching. Many of the teachers on the Ministry Training Course are alumni...

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Don't leave your bread in the oven!

“We need an ‘oven policy’”, said the delegates at Faith2Share’s recent Ghana Depth Discipleship Consultation. “When you bake bread you don’t leave it in the oven; you take it out and share it! And it’s the same with the good news; it’s for sharing with everyone around.”The Consultation, organized in collaboration with Torchbearers Mission and the Ghana Evangelical Missions Association, was a resounding success with 56 delegates from Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone.There were sessions on a...

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Brazillian Youth step forward

Young people in Brazil are looking for difficult ways to serve God. They enjoy a challenge and the Mission of God today is full of challenges. As Missao Antioquia (Antioch Mission), a Faith2Share member agency, celebrated its 40th. anniversary this past weekend the grounds of their 'Valley of Blessings' mission headquarters were alive with young people seeking new ways forward in mission. Also present at the celebrations were many of the missionaries who have served with Antioquia over...

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Discipleship on the agenda in Ghana

This week Faith2Share has gathered over fifty mission leaders in Accra, Ghana. Their focus is on whole-life discipleship and each day they have been looking at how they can best equip West African Christians to live every day, and in every context, as Jesus would want them to. In addition to those from several different regions of Ghana there are also participants from Togo, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Guinea. Several of these countries have lived through traumatic times in...

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Latin Americans queuing up to serve in mission

It is only six months since, Faith2Share member agency, Global Teams opened its training base in Chiapas, Mexico, and already six field partners have been sent out to serve amongst communities where Jesus is hardly known. Global Teams is focused on parts of the world where people from Arab and South Asian backgrounds are to be found, in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and elsewhere and often find themselves befriending individuals and families who have been brought...

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Reading, writing and … miracles

“Let’s pray for healing in the name of Jesus”. These words were spoken not by a Christian but by Omary*, a Muslim primary school student whose Christian teachers had taught him about prayer in Jesus’ name. Omary’s friend was suffering with an eye problem which caused constant weeping but they knew how to pray. Omary’s friend was healed as they prayed together and word spread amongst the local community.Omary’s school, run by a Faith2Share member in Africa, has grown from...

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Asia Mission Training Highly Recommended

“I would love to start a training programme like this to prepare people for cross-cultural missions”, said a graduate from the Asia Gateway 2016 mission training programme in Malaysia. The initiative is run by a group of agencies including Faith2Share member, AsiaCMS. The course combines lectures and field trips, which offer exposure to a multi-faith environment. Topics include: the mission of God; issues for Asian mission and inter-religious engagement. This year’s students came from six different countries and benefitted from...

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The next Bishop of Goma

Congratulations to Desire Mukanirwa, a wonderful friend of Faith2Share, as he has been appointed as the next Bishop of Goma in the DR Congo. Please pray that God will fully equip him for this demanding role.

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Ruins to Restoration in Nepal

“Local people and government officials are very aware of the work of Christians, bringing glory to God, and they have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” writes Faith2Share partner in Nepal, Ram Prasad Shrestha. Following last year’s devastating earthquake, NMC Nepal has built six new resilient houses for destitute members of the community. In a recent handover ceremony, they were able to share about the love of God which motivates them to care for those in need. One of the...

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Myanmar Conference Raises Hopes of Peace

New peace talks between Myanmar’s government and armed ethnic groups present the prospect of an end to decades of conflict. At the opening of the conference Aung San Suu Kyi underlined the importance of national unity and reconciliation for sustained development. Pastor David, a Faith2Share member in Myanmar, said that this is the most important Union Peace Conference and is crucial for the establishment of peace in his country. Since Myanmar gained independence from Britain in 1948 more than 130,000...

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Mandalay Diocese welcomes NAMS mission team

What do Myanmar, Nepal and Thailand have in common? Now they have a very special connection as the team from NAMS visited the Anglican Diocese of Mandalay earlier this month. It was the first visit at the invitation of Bishop David (who was introduced to NAMS leaders at the Faith2Share Depth Discipleship consultation in Yangon). The team was able to train 30 local clergy over several days and share with them on a range of topics including organic church-planting practices...

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Mission baton travels from Jakarta to Seoul

As the Lausanne Young Leaders' Gathering which has brought together more than one thousand mission leaders from over 140 countries, finishes in Jakarta, Indonesia, another significant mission gathering has just started in Seoul, South Korea, where the International Association of Mission Studies is holding its 14th Assembly on the subject of Conversations and Transformations: Missiological Approaches to Religious Change. The fact that both gatherings are taking place in Asia is a real testimony to the importance of Asian churches...

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Young Leaders gather in Indonesia

This week nearly 1,000 young Christian leaders from 140 countries around the world are gathering in Indonesia for the Lausanne Young Leaders Gathering. A few days before the gathering Michael Oh, Lausanne's International Director, wrote, "I’m convinced of God’s gracious and powerful work—beyond what we have dreamt—taking place in this generation. What makes me say that? In this year of preparation leading up to YLG, I have seen young influencers listening and learning from previous generations, and seeking to be...

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Floods hit Nepali villages

We are receiving news today from the National Mission Commission of Nepal (NMCN), a Faith2Share member agency in Nepal, that severe flooding has taken place following continued heavy rain across the country. At this stage 39 people are reported to have lost their lives and in the last 24hrs a further 28 are reported missing. The main problem seems to have been landslides which have destroyed houses and some bridges. The worst hit area was Pyuthan where at...

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Equipping leaders in Myanmar

Faith2Share member NAMS has been invited by the Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Mandalay to go to Myanmar and train key clergy and lay leaders of his diocese in discipleship and church planting among the many people groups there. The invitation came about after Manik Corea, NAMS regional operations for Asia, met Bishop David Nyi Nyi Naing at a Faith2Share Leadership Consultation in Myanmar in May 2015. Bishop David then asked Manik and NAMS Servant General Jon Shuler...

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South Sudan slips back into war

Despite bold hopes for peace in South Sudan it appears as if full scale war has once again broken out in Africa's newest nation, South Sudan. International news sources are reporting three days of hostilities between forces loyal to the President Salva Kiir and those supporting the Vice-President and other breakaway factions. The main fighting has been in and around Juba and has involved small arms fire, tanks and helicopter gunships. A local radio station, Radio Tamazuj, put the number...

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New centre to encourage peace and reconciliation in DR Congo

More than 76 young women, who have suffered during war and conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), are now being taught practical life skills, including sewing and needlework, on a site that will eventually become a multi-faceted centre to promote peace and reconciliation among young people in Bunia.It is still early days but plans for the centre are being spearheaded by Rev Bisoke Balikenga, who is national coordinator of the youth department for the Anglican Church of...

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Russia restricts evangelism

The Russian State Parliament has passed a law which places broad limitations on missionary work, including preaching, teaching and engaging in any activity designed to attract people to a religious group, and this law is already considered to be the most restrictive in post-Soviet history. It is not possible now to share faith without a government's permit and outside the walls of the registered churches and other religious sites. The restrictions even apply to activity in private homes and online....

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Called to train evangelists?

Evangelists are the life blood of mission in Africa. They bring hope, light and transformation to many communities. Church Army Africa (CAA), a Faith2Share member agency, have been committed to training evangelists for over sixty years. Today they have trained and deployed evangelists in at least twelve countries in Africa.Now CAA are looking for a new Principal for their training college. Carlile College, in Nairobi, Kenya, has two thriving schools - the Church Army School of Mission Studies and the...

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Disability tops agenda in South Asia

Young leaders from seven countries are currently in Nepal for the 2016 conference of the South Asia Christian Youth Network (SACYN), coordinated by Faith2Share member AsiaCMS. Delegates are deliberating on the conference topic of Disability, based on the theme 'Accessible South Asia: Creative Responses for Mental Health and Differently Abled.' Fifty young leaders from countries including India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Bangladesh are gathered in Nagarkot, Nepal from 1st – 6th July. Over the past four years, SACYN...

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Appreciation for Faith2Share from Kenya

Faith2Share’s Kenyan members again and again expressed their appreciation to Faith2Share as “a space to talk about mission and hear what is happening across the globe in relation to mission”. That was the feedback from the latest Faith2Share fellowship meeting for Kenyan members, held on 18 May at Church Army Africa’s headquarters in Nairobi.Faith2Share’s ‘Kenya chapter’ meets on a regular basis and is led by Timothy Mazimpaka, who is Faith2Share’s Africa coordinator, serving with mission agency Church Army Africa....

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Hope alive amongst Syrian youth

Despite the dreadful destruction of their country young Christian women and men in Syria are full of hope. After all the fighting is over it will be their responsibility to rebuild their contry. Last month (May 2016) youth workers from Syria were amongst 130 Christians who gathered from Iraq, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon for the sixth regional youth conference in Beirut. They represented 17 church denominations and 6 different Christian organizations throughout the Near East. This conference was organized by...

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Arrests in Nepal for distributing scripture to children

Seven people have been arrested in Nepal, including the proprietors of two private schools in Dolakha. Those arrested have been accused of evangelising by distributing children's Bible stories among students. Prakash Pradhan is principal of Mout Valley boarding school, while Bimal Shahi is principal of Modern Nepal School. And five staff who work for Teach Nepal, a Christian teaching organisation, are also among those accused. Both Pradhan and Shahi are Christians and organise extra curricular teaching activities for...

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New ministry brings hope to women prisoners in India

Rabbi and Chitra, co-mission partners in India with Faith2Share member Asia CMS, have started a new ministry, called Peacemakers, for women prisoners, their children and families. In India women prisoners are often neglected and are crying out for hope and transformation in their lives. After more than a year’s preparation, staff, office and funding have been found and a great team is in place, committed to the work.Rabbi and Chitra said: “We have two well-experienced professional social workers who...

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Bangalore Home of Hope inspires delegates

While in Bangalore for Faith2Share's Leadership Consultation, delegates had the opportunity of visiting a number of local ministries. One group was given a glimpse inside a most inspiring and moving ministry: New Ark Mission of India's Home of Hope. It was set up in 1997 by a former auto-rickshaw driver known locally as 'Auto Raja' or the 'Mother Theresa’ of Bangalore. Home of Hope is a community that rebuilds the lives of destitute people from the busy streets of Bangalore....

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Reciprocal Mission on the agenda

The 2016 Global Mission Conference to be held in London this year will have 'Reciprocal Mission' firmly on its agenda. Hosted by St. James Church Muswell Hill from 12 -15 October 2016 the conference will bring together missionaries, mission societies, pastors, theologians and church members, to think and pray about mission in the third millennium. Speakers will include Dr. Samuel Cueva, President of Mission for the Third Millennium, Dr. Kirsteen Kim, Professor of Theology and World Christianity at Leeds Trinity...

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172 trained for discipleship in West Bengal

Just weeks after the Faith2Share Leadership Consultation in Bangalore one of our participants gathered 172 Indian leaders from across West Bengal for a Discipleship Consultation. During the two days of intensive training Tushar, a Faith2Share leader spoke on 'Depth Discipleship' and how churches can encourage their new and existing members to follow the ways of Jesus in every aspect of their lives. Tushar attended the very first Faith2Share Depth Discipleship consultation in northern India in 2012. Now he is planning...

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Ukraine gets Bible in Tatar - and wins Eurovision 2016!

The nation of Ukraine is in the headlines this week after a Crimean Tatar singer called Jamala won the Eurovision song contest last Sunday, with a song about the sad events in the history of Crimean Tatars.It was encouraging to see Europe vote for a song about this small, often forgotten nation. But what is even more amazing, is that the Institute of Bible Translation has just published for the first time ever the full Bible in the...

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​Faith2Share Leadership consultation Bangalore

We would like to thank all of you who prayed for the 16th Faith2Share consultation in Bangalore that took place last week.We had almost 60 participants from almost every country in South Asia, from UK and USA, from East and West Africa representing our members, partner churches and mission movements. It was a time of rich fellowship, mutual learning and leadership equipping and also an intentional time of discerning how we can work together to advance the Kingdom of God.

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Contextualisation in mission

"The recent popularity of talk of contextualisation in mission is fatally flawed if it fails to take account of the universal church" claimed Rev. Raja Singh at the opening session of the Faith2Share Leadership Consultation taking place in Bangalore this week.Rev. Singh, the new General Secretary of the Indian Evangelical Mission, went on to say that although it is vital that the gospel is contextualised in every community this has also led to isolation and separation of Christian communities. The...

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Interserve India celebrates week of prayer

Faith2Share member Interserve India is celebrating a week of prayer for global missions (1 -7 March) to commemorate Interserve Ministries’ 164th Anniversary. On 1 March 1852, Interserve began its work in Calcutta under the name of Calcutta Normal School with the aim of reaching out to women in zenanas (private apartments for female family members). Since then it has initiated educational work among women and children and founded some of the first blind schools, orphanages and schools in...

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MANI 2016 (in Addis) inspires African leaders

The Movement of African National Initiatives (MANI) has just held its strategic consultation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This event is held every five years and aims to celebrate what God is doing in and through the African Church. Faith2Share partners MANI as it inspires, challenges and equips mission leaders across the continent of Africa for leadership in contemporary mission.Faith2Share international director Mark Oxbrow, who was in Addis for the event, reports:"Bring together 500 mission church leaders from 51...

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Daesh persecution of Christians a genocide, says US

The US Government has declared the persecution of Christians and other religious minorities in the Middle East by Daesh (so-called “Islamic State”) as a genocide. US Secretary of State John Kerry made the statement yesterday (17 March). “In my judgment, Daesh is responsible for genocide against groups in areas under its control, including Yazidis, Christians, and Shia Muslims,” Mr Kerry said. “Daesh is genocidal by self-proclamation, by ideology, and by actions – in what it says, what it believes, and...

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Heartfelt solidarity for crisis in Burundi

Amid the current tense situation in Burundi, representatives of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the All Africa Conference of Churches are now on a solidarity visit to Burundi - 1 to 4 March. WCC general secretary Rev Dr Olav Fykse Tveit said the visit was "to express our commitment to work with all religious leaders and all peace-seeking people of Burundi and to support their tireless efforts on the ground to secure a lasting peace and...

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